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"Y/N..." just by looking up at him she didn't expect this at all, so many questions were running through her head, what was he doing here..? why is he here..? yes she was mad at him, she has every right to be, he wasn't treating her like a decent human being and she gave up to look for people that would treat her right, she quickly looked up at him but he wasn't saying anything, he was frozen, he didn't move, all he did was look at her back with his beautiful brown eyes, she knew he was uncomfortable around strangers and that's when she picked herself up and walked outside, jungkook quickly followed her..

"what is it..?" her voice came out very cold, one side of her wished she was less cold but another does wish she wished she was more, she knew she hurt his feelings in a way by posting that picture but she deleted it and is over it and that's what she wants him to do, but that wasn't what jungkook was thinking right now...

"jungkook..?" she spoke once more, the way he just stared at her didn't sit right with her, she walked a little closer to him, slightly moving her hand left to right in front of his face, he quickly snapped out and into reality, placing his hands on her shoulders he spoke...

"where were you..? you are my partner you were meant to follow me.." he voice was filled with worry, all that time he was walking he thought she was right behind him but that wasn't the case...

"yes I am your partner but you didn't act like I was, jungkook you ignored me this whole trip, why would you think I would follow you if you treated me like that..?" she scoffed, at this point all she wanted to do was go back home, just by looking at his face makes her go crazy, before wanting to walk away she received a phone call...

"hello" she ran her fingers through her hair, listening to the other voice...

"Y/N where are you..? tell me where are you..?" her teachers voice filled her ears, she breathed in, slowly massaging her temple..

"I am fine, I am at a café..."

"you weren't with Mr Jeon where you..?" she looked up at jungkook knowing this was his doing..

"no I wasn't but-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses, you have an hour detention after school today, tell everyone else to come back..." the teacher immediately hung up the phone, the one thing she hates is detentions, sitting there after school hours was just a pain, she deeply signed walking pass jungkook and inside the cafe, she informed everyone else that they had to get going, they all nodded walking outside the shop, jungkook remained still as the girl walked pass him once again, the three boys picking the fact that there is clear tension between the two but stayed quite...


unwrapping the flavour packet of bubblegum she threw the lollipop wrapped inside the bin, placing the lollipop colour of baby blue inside her mouth she walked down the school halls getting ready for her hour long detention, the halls were completely empty not a single soul, everyone was gone and that's what bothered her so much, her phone vibrated on her hand, the name sujin appeared on her screen, she opened her friends message, quickly reading it..

𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤✔︎Where stories live. Discover now