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"what are you doing here..?" oh how he was not bothered dealing with this right now, when jungkook heard the door knock he immediately thought it was Y/N, oh how he wanted it to be her, how he wanted to squeeze her into his embrace, how he wanted her back, but what does he get..? the dumbass himself, kim taehyung, the male leaned his body on the doorframe, raising his brows he smiled at the younger...

"what's up kook, long time no see..." he pushes jungkook aside allowing himself to get inside the apartment, having taehyung here doesn't allow him to think straight, after seeing them at the photo shoot his head has been all over the place, taehyumg started to walk towards Y/N's room but was soon stopped...

"where are you doing? leave..." he blocked the enterance of her room but taehyung had something else planned for the younger...

"Y/N told me to bring her some spare clothes..." he placed his hand ontop of jungkook's arm, pushing it downwards, the tension was rising, their eye contact never broke until the older decided to move inside her room, he grabbed a few of her clothes and put them in a bag before walking out of her room...

"I know you jungkook, I know how you act around others, you push everyone away before they can even be someone to you, and that's what you did to Y/N, she started to get used to you, feel safe with you and what do you do? push her away just like you did to the three of us three years ago, we were all ready to be there for you because of that accident but you pushed us away and pretended our five year friendship meant nothing, tomorrow's Y/N birthday if you still care about her please show up, for her sake at least..."

taehyung liked jungkook the most out of the group, he would always come to jungkook for anything although he was the youngest out of everyone, he did everything infront of him, they smiled together, cried, laughted and did everything that completed their friendship, when jungkook suddenly left and moved to america everything was crushed for taehyung, he cried for months wanting him back, from sending post cards to calling him everyday but he didn't answer, two years past and he still didn't get over it, sending him postcards every week wishing he would send one back but that never happened which broke him even more, jungkook was like a brother to him and now he lost the brother that he loved so much, a year later taehyung turned cold as ice, deleting all the memories of jungkook he was a new person, a fuckboy that didn't care about anything, a selfish person that was desperate for deep love, and right now Y/N is doing it for him,
Y/N is slowly replacing jungkook, but when jungkook returned after three years, the same feeling started to crawl back but he kept his control...

"taehyung..?" the older stopped at his steps turning around, he smiled brightly covering his pain but sadly jungkook knew it was all fake, so fake...

"stop smiling at me like that..." the older moved closer dropping the bag on the floor...

"oh now you want to speak? jungkook you left us for three whole years! three whole years, I waited for you for three years and now you come back acting like nothing happened..?" he scoffed rolling his eyes aggressively...

𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤✔︎Where stories live. Discover now