Tuesday February 27th

154 9 0

My alarm went off at 8 and Brad and I got up. We both put on our running clothes and ate a protein bar before starting our run with Duke. We only did 4 miles and ended back at my apartment. 

Me: alright, let's shower, eat and then I gotta get going
Brad: sounds like a plan

Brad and I showered and then some before getting out and getting dressed. While Brad made breakfast, I made sure I had all of my thing packed and put by the door. Brad and I ate and then we loaded up the Rover. Brad drove me to the airport and we said our goodbyes before I headed in. I checked in and went through TSA and finally found my gate. I landed in Columbus, Ohio and I got my suitcase from the baggage claim. I then saw Horan and Sonnett. 

Horan: Baby Horse, how has school been?
Me: it's been good, just super busy. How are you two?
Sonnett: good, just been training with the Thorns like normal

A staff member then picked us up and brought us to the team hotel. Jill met us in the lobby. 

Jill: good afternoon ladies, Sonnet you are in 321 with Mewis, Horan you are with Brian in 318, and Baby Horse you are with Alex in 306. Dinner is at 7. 

We said thank you and then headed up to the 3rd floor. I went in and Alex and Kelley were there. 

Me: hey guys
Alex: hey, how have you been?
Me: good, just super busy with school and soccer
Kelley: and parties
Me: so you heard
Alex: we always do, but what exactly happened?
Me: well ended up having a small get-together which ended up in a small party at mine and someone parked wrong and was blocking something so the cops were looking for who had parked there and came to the apartment. They saw were drinking and asked for IDs and once they realized we were all underaged they broke it up. I got a ticket for a minor in possession but Anson the school fought it.
Kelley: what did Anson say about it
Me: well I mean, he was mad but also didn't really care. We had extra conditioning for those involved but that was it
Alex: have you talked to Hope?
Me: kind of, she wants to ground me but I really don't think it's a big deal. Anson didn't even care so why does she?
Kelley: yeah but she's always been like this about you partying 
Me: true 

I settled in with my stuff and then the 3 of us walked to get coffee. I caught them up with my stuff and they told me about theirs. We got back to the hotel around 4. 

Dawn: Baby Horse, I want to see you at 6 so I can get you weighed and get measurements. 
Me: yes mam

Kelley, Alex, and I got in the elevator and got off on the third floor. Unfortunately for me, Hope was coming out of her room. 

Hope: there you are, I was coming to find you
Me: here I am
Hope: well come on, you know I want to talk
Me: alright

I followed Hope back into her room and we sat down. 

Hope: well tell me what happened
Me: wait really?
Hope: yes

I told her the whole story and then waited for her response. 

Hope: well I'm not mad, just disappointed
Me: why none of it was planned or my fault
Hope: I get that but you had yourself in that position knowing you're underaged. 21 and you would have been fine
Me: I know
Hope: well I did talk to Anson so I'm not going to punish you since he didn't either, but if it happens again it'll be a different story.
Me: yes mama
Hope: good
Me: oh also I'm meeting Dawn at 6 if you would like to join
Hope: I will
Me: okay well am I good to go? Kelley, Alex, and I are going to start a show
Hope: yes you are good, I'll see you at six
Me: okay thanks

I left and went back to my room. I told Alex and Kelley what happened and then we started watching Tiny Pretty Things on Netflix. Time passed quickly and then I headed to see Dawn. Hope got there at the same time as I did. Dawn weighed me and then took all my measurements like normal. 

Dawn: 115, really good. I'm glad to see some more progress
Me: thank you
Dawn: I still want to take some blood and then you'll be free to go. 

Hope held my hand as Dawn took a tube of blood. We were free to go and Hope and I just went ahead and went down to dinner. As we ate Jill came in to talk to everyone. 

Jill: good evening ladies and welcome to the She Believes Tournament. We have a light training session tomorrow at 10 and then we have Germany on Thursday. Breakfast at 7, lunch when we get back, and dinner at 7. I'm excited to see all of you again and this is going to be a great tournament. Goodnight ladies. 

We all finished eating and then Sonnett and Mewis held movie night. We watched the new Mulan and then once it ended, Kelley, Alex, and I went back to mine and Alex's room to watch an episode before bed. 

I am Savannah SoloWhere stories live. Discover now