Saturday & Sunday October 14th & 15th

410 15 0

My alarm went off at 6 and I got up. I ate breakfast and then picked up AK and Annie's coffee's. I went to the field and parked. The girls headed my way but Anson was the first one to me.

Anson: Baby Horse how are you?
Me: as good as I can be
Anson: you don't have to come, you'll be excused
Me: I know, I want to come, I am flying home after
Anson: okay, have you talked to Hope?
Me: I haven't
Anson: alright well I'm glad to have you with us

The girls came over and we talked a little. We loaded up the bus and went to the airport. During the flight, I emailed back and forth with Coach Jill. By the time we landed in Boston, I had everything worked and planned out. It was almost 11 and we went to lunch.

As we ate, I sent an email to Virginia's head coach and an email to Barron. I closed my laptop and then loaded the bus. We went to the visitor's locker room but we had time to kill so we had our dance party. Once it was time for warm-ups Dino lead us out to the field. I got my elbow taped and rejoined the team.

We took the field and Boston kicked off at the whistle. In the 3rd minute, my crossed was cleared out to Jo and she shot it back in to make it 1-0. We scored again in the 9th minute off of Annie's header. With 3 minutes left in the half, Jessie volleyed a ball straight over the keeper and into the net.

The second half started, and we kicked off. In the 63rd minute Taylor sent in a cross and I one-touched it in, to make it 4-0. In the 83rd minute, Boston clawed one back to make 4-1 before the final whistle. We shook hands and got a cool down. Back in the locker room we showered and gather our stuff.

We loaded the bus and went to the airport. We went through security and I said goodbye to the girls. I went to my gate with Duke and then we boarded. I landed in West Point at 11 pm and Brad picked me up. Brad drove us to my house and we went in and crashed. 


Mine and Brad's alarm went off at 7 and we got up. We got dressed and Brad drove us to the Garvin's. He parked and we barely got the door open before Rand jumped on me. 

Rand: Vanna! I've missed you!
Me: I missed you too little man
Jayme: Savannah, Brad, how are you?
Me: I'm alright
Brad: we're making it
Todd: well come on, we have pancakes ready

We all ate breakfast and then I talked to Todd and Jayme about the game in New Orleans while Brad distracted the boys. After a while, Brad drove us to Megan's parent's house. I went in and Megan's parents and her older brother embraced me.

I told them about the game coming up and that I had hoped to see all of them there. I talked with Megan's mom before heading to the stadium. I walked through the gate and Caroline saw me first and ran to hug me.

Carol: I've missed you
Me: I miss you too
Barron: how are you holding?
Me: I'm holding for now
Barron: well pertaining to your email, its approved
Me: perfect, I will see you then
Barron: alright, 
Me: well bye coach
Barron: if you need anything don't hesitate to call
Me: I know, thank you
Barron: see ya

Brad drove us to his house and then Claire picked Duke and me up. Claire drove us to New Orleans and we ate lunch before I went to the hotel.

Jill: Baby Horse, you are in room 1014 with Hope
Me: is she here?
Jill: yes
Me: alright thank you

I got my key and went up. I opened the door and Hope was sitting in bed.

Hope: SB
Me: mama
Hope: come here

I went to Hope's arms and broke down

Hope: it'll be okay
Me: she's gone
Hope: I know, but you're okay

I calmed down and told Hope about my plan for the game.

Hope: that'll be perfect, I'm so proud of you
Me: thank you
Hope: you can fall asleep if you want, dinner isn't for another 3 hours.

I fell asleep in Hope's arms almost immediately. Hope woke me up at 7 for dinner. We went down and fixed our plates. I talked to the gals until Dawn came over.

Dawn: I want to weigh you and take blood in the morning
Me: yes mam

We finished eating and then everyone went to mine and Hope's room for movie night. Like normal, I fell asleep right away. 

I am Savannah SoloWhere stories live. Discover now