Sunday November 6th

351 13 0

My alarm went off at 7 and Hope, Kelley, and I got up. I let Duke and then Brad came to pick us up. We stopped for breakfast and then went to the airport.

Brad: bye and good luck
Hope&Kelley: thank you
Me: thank you and bye I love you
Brad: I love you too

The three of us went through security and headed to our gate. We boarded and got our seats. Our flight took off at 9 and we landed at the LAX airport at 11 am. Our next flight didn't leave until 3 so we found somewhere to eat lunch.

Me: so, as you've noticed I've stopped wearing my brace
Hope: yeah
Me: I've also been cleared to stop taping and I can tumble again
Kelley: when did you find out?
Me: Friday
Hope: but you taped last game?
Me: yeah, he said when I'm ready

Hope went to say something, but Tobin, Lindsey, Emily, and Allie interrupted.

Tobin: you fly at 3 too?
Kelley: yeah
Allie: congrats on ACC Baby Horse
Me: thank you

The 7 of us then walked to our gate. We eventually boarded and took off. We landed in Vancouver at 6 and went to baggage claim. A staff member picked us up and we went to the hotel.

Jill: ladies welcome, Hope you're with Ash in 608. Lindsey, you're with Moe in 609. Tobin with Allie in 610. Kelley and Baby Horse in 611 and Emily you're with Short in 612.

We got our keys and then went to our rooms. Kelley and I unpacked a little and then headed down to dinner.

Me: twin!
Alex: hey! Congrats on your ACC championship
Me: thank you

Kelley and I made our plates and then sat down. Hope joined shortly after.

Alex: how have you and your friends been?
Me: good, for the most part anyways

We talked about college until Jill came in.

Jill: good evening ladies. Breakfast will be at 7, training at 8:30, lunch at 12, training at 3:30 and dinner at 7. The training room is 601 and gear is 602. That is all.

We cleared our table and then went to Ash and Hope's room for movie night. We decided on Mission Impossible. I fell asleep and the team finished the movie before heading to bed as well. 

I am Savannah SoloWhere stories live. Discover now