Thursday & Friday, September 19th & 20th

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Our alarms went off at 7 and Kelley and I got up. We got dressed and went down to breakfast. We ate and then I went back up to my room to do my calculus homework. At 10, Brad facetimed me for our calculus class. I took the lesson notes and then Brad, and I talked while he walked back to his dorm.

Brad: what time do you land?
Me: 1ish
Brad: well good luck tonight
Me: thank you, I love you and I'll see you late tonight
Brad: I love you too

I hung up with Brad and Tobin, Alex, Kelley, and Hope came in.

Hope: how was calculus
Me: it was alright, I have more homework that I'm working on now
Tobin: what's your other class today
Me: chemistry at 5, I have to finish that homework along with Biology but that not due until 5 tomorrow.
Alex: gross

They left so I could finish my homework. I went to Hope and Alex's room and found them along with Allie, Kelley, and Tobin.

Kelley: free from homework?
Me: yup

We played monop deal until lunch at 1. We went down and fixed our plates. We ate and talked and then went back up to the room. We decided to watch Game of Thrones. At 5 I went to my room to get my notebook and facetime Brad for class. I brought my stuff down with, so I could finish my notes as I ate.

We loaded the bus at 6 and went up to the stadium. We went to the locker room and put on our warm-up gear. We did stretches and then did touches. We got our shots and then headed in. I put on my uniform and then went to Beck to get my elbow taped. Beck finished, and I lined up behind Kelley. The lineup was Ashlyn, Ali, Becky, Abby, Casey, Mewis, Horan, Rose, Kelley, Alex, and Me.

The whistle blew, and Alex sent it back. We had a couple chances, but the keeper saved them until the 36th minute. Sam sent in a ball and Horan headed it over the keeper to make it 1-0. In the 43rd minute, Horan played me a ball through and I dribble a couple steps and then slotted it past the keeper to make it 2-0 at half.

New Zealand kicked off and we got the ball back. I had it on the left and saw Alex running in. I played her run and she shot near post to make it 3-0 in the 46th. Lynn came in for Casey pushing Kelley back, Tobin in for Horan, Moe in for Mewis, and JJ in for Becky. In the 55th Kelley made an overlap on the left and crossed a ball to Lynn who headed it in for the fourth goal. The last goal came from me dribbling up the left and finding Alex who one-touched it into the net in the 68th minute. The final whistle blew, and we shook hands.

We got a cool down and our drinks. I quickly went to the locker room and showered. I got dressed and got my stuff.

Hope: you headed out?
Me: yup, my flight is at 11:30
Hope: well good luck and text me when you land
Me: I will, bye mama
Hope: bye SB

I Ubered to the airport and quickly went through security and got to my gate. I boarded, and my flight took off. I landed in North Carolina an hour later and went to baggage claim. Brad and Duke were waiting for me.

Me: my boys
Brad: hey babe
Me: I missed you too
Brad: we missed you too, here hold him and I'll grab your bag

Brad got my bag and then drove us to my apartment. We went in and crashed. 


Brad's alarm went off at 5:30 and I heard him get up and leave. My alarm went off at 6 and I got up. I ate and then went to the field.

AK: Baby Horse, what a game
Me: thank you

We did warmups and then bodyweight drills. We worked on set pieces before getting a cooldown. I picked up breakfast and then went to Calculus. Brad came in and we ate and took our notes. Class ended at 11 and we went to meet Kiley and Justin for lunch. We ate and then had chemistry at 1.

We took our notes and then we were free to go at 2. We went to my apartment. We watched Grey's Anatomy until 4. We studied for Biology and then headed to class. We took our test and then we went to my apartment. Brad cooked us dinner and we ate before I had to go to cheer at 8. We worked on new stunts and then some tumbling skills. Practice ended at 10 and I went home and showered. I got ready for bed and then Hope called.

Me: hey
Hope: hey Baby Horse, you sound tired
Me: exhausted actually
Hope: how was your day?
Me: it was fine
Hope: good, well I'll let you go
Me: alright, goodnight mama
Hope: good night SB

I hung up and fell asleep. 

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