chapter 9 Vulcan Vs Blade And The Plans For The Future Starts Now!

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Ranma 1/2 season 1 episode 4 'Ranma and... Ranma? If it's Not One Thing, It's Another'

(A/t: still continues from last chapter)


Kamen rider vulcan was ready to fight as blade took his stand as they were about to fight. Metal ark look at vulcan as he was talking to him about him fighting blade first.

Metal ark: vulcan, I know you want to fight jackal but she still stronger then you and better experience as a rider so leave her to me. Besides, your going to fight blade first as he will be the first one your going to fight with first before fighting jackal.

Vulcan: but what if I hurt kuno?

Metal ark: don't worry about it. Your friend will be ok, once you defect him he wont remember a thing. He wont even feel his body getting hurt so he will be find.

Vulcan: umm he isn't my friend but whatever. "Look at blade" here I came kuno! I'm going to snap you out of it and get that armor off of you!

Vulcan change at blade as he tackle him as they both went to a different spot to fight as they got up from the floor and started to fight. Metal ark and jackal look at each other knowing that they have to fight but not to go all out.

Metal ark: remember jackal, we are not going to kill each other but fighting to see your skills get better for the future.

Jackal: "nodded" I understand but I will not lose to you.

Jackal ready her weapon as metal ark made a spear as he ready his weapon to fight jackal to but not to hurt her to much. Jackal was the first to move as she swing her scythe at metal ark as he block it by swing his spear. Both riders keep on swinging there weapons at each other until jackal knock out the spear out of metal ark hands as she bring her scythe to the right at metal ark side. Metal ark quickly made a shield on his right arm as he block the attack but was push back as he made a sword as he swing it at jackal hitting her chest sending her back as will. Both riders look at each other before both run at each other as metal ark switch his shield with another sword.

~~with vulcan fighting blade~~

Vulcan was blocking blade Rouzers sword attacks as he rapidly slash at Vulcan as he kick him to the ground. Vulcan quickly got up as he saw blade coming down at him as he dodge the incoming sword strike down. Vulcan run up toward him as he start to hit and kick him as he send a powerful punch sending him flying to. Blade got up as he took out a card as he scan it as vulcan was preparing for the worst.

Rouzers: tackle!

Blade glow a blue arua as he charge attack at vulcan, when blade was close to vulcan, vulcan try keyword try to stop him by pushing him back but was send to a tree hitting his back. Vulcan then look up at blade as he was thinking up a plan to beat him.

Vulcan: "thinking" ok this rider is good at sword play and has kuno sword abilities. Now what do I know, kamen rider blade used card as each cards have different abilities and powers of there own rights. Each time he used them he get stronger but they don't last forever as he can do combos on them like he did to akane with slash and thunder. The only way to beat him and get that idiot kuno back is to get his sword out of his hands as he used it to scan his cards to activate them.

With a plan he took out his gun out of his belt as he shoot at blade as he got good hits on him but still need gun practice. Vulcan put his gun back to his belt as ee then run at him and hit blade a few time as blade block them with his Rouzers as he took out another card.

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