chapter 29 jackal vs jin, proto Vulcan, and thunder

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Chapter start: june/17/2021 1:00 p.m.


Everyone expects y/n, and Azu were shocked to see this as jin and jackal ready there weapons as they charge at each other. Jin summon his wings as he fly up and fly down as he brought his sword down as well as jackal slash up as both weapons clash with each other. Jin then push her back as he kick jackal away from him. Jackal block Jin kick attack as spin her weapon around her as did a big slash at Jin but he jump away just in time.

Jackal: "brought her weapon out" my, oh, my, it's been a few months already and your this good, not bad, not bad at all falcon boy.

Jin: I got more then that in me jackal! "Fly towards her"

Both riders continue to fight each other as none of them were holding back as they try to hit the other person. As this was happening, the 2 IHC (Invading Horseshoe Crab) charge at akane as she jump away as she brought out her driver and progrise key.

Driver: shotriser!

Progrise key: DASH!


Shot riser: 2× KAMEN. RIDER.

Akane: henshin! "Press tigger"

Shot riser: SHOTRISE! "Gutiter sound" RUSHING CHEETAH! Try to outrun this demon to get left in the dust.

The armor came as akane turn into Valkyrie as she started to punch and kick the IHC. Jin notice this as he was shocked to see another rider as he dodge a slash attack from jackal. Everyone else just got a safe distance away from the fight as ranko knock out kuno who was still holding on to her. She then brought out her driver and progrise key as she was about to tranform until she dodge a grambling hood. She look and see 18 more IHC as she was shock to see this many as she dodge another grambling hood attack.

Valkyrie: "notice the 18 IHC" what?! There's more! "Punch a IHC away and look at ranko" ranko hurry up and tranform!

Ranko: right!

Ranko put on her shotriser as she open and press her progrise key as she put in her driver until...

Progrise key: BULLET!

Shot riser: error!

Ranko look at her driver confused as she pull her progrise key out and put it back into the driver. The shotriser again said error making her a bite mad as she pull it out and put it back in as it continued to say error.

Shot riser: 3× error! E-e-e-error!

Ranko: why? Why isn't working!

Valkyrie: why are you taking so long! "Destroyed 2 IHC"

Ranko: something wrong with my driver or the progrise key! "Talking to herself" damn it! What about gorilla?

Ranko brought out her other progrise key and put it in but it still say error. Ranko was really confused as everyone who know ranko of being a rider was confused except for y/n. Y/n knows why it wasn't working as he desided to help ranko as he tranform into his zerozero-one form. Ranko continues to try to tranform but it still didn't work as she didn't know a IHC was behind her. The IHC was about to shot at her but zerozero-one came and slice it with his attache calibur as it exploded. Ranko heard the explodes and look behindb her to see zerozero-one as he ask if she was ok?

Ranko was about to say something until a grambling hood was about to grab her. zerozero-one see this as he jump towards her as he grab her just in time but didn't notice ranko drop both of her progrise keys.

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