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My drive was proving to be long and tedious with the broken GPS system repeating the same action over and over again. I'd gone past at least 3 groups of survivors on my journey, refusing to help all of them. The guilt building up at the pit of my stomach was on the brink of unbearable and every part of my body was telling me to turn around and go and help them but my mind refused these orders with a heavy heart.
"Take the third exit off the round-round-round-rou-ound about." The GPS stuttered at me.
"Why don't you take the third exit out of this fucking car." I hissed through gritted teeth, mashing every button on the stupid thing to try and shut it up. My foot slammed on the brake when I heard a familiar voice come from a Walmart just behind me. My heart pounded through my chest as I battled my mind to let me go back.
"Round-round-round-round-round-round-roundabout." The GPS continued it's routine getting itself a knife straight through the centre of it. It's voice was drowned into oblivion as sparks leapt out to grab my wrist. I shoved the gear into reverse, swerving the car around and advancing towards the Walmart I'd past to be greeted with Miles Luna's wonderful face. I couldn't fight the wide grin that made its mark on my face as I practically ripped off the car door to tackle him to the ground. I was like a dog who had seen his owner for the first time in months. A laugh rumbled through his chest and stomach as we lay there on the floor just hugging each other.
"It's good to see you too!" He patted my back, got up and offered me his hand in assistance.
"You have no idea of how bloody happy I am to see a familiar face. Who else are you with?" I questioned, a grin still evident on my face. He began naming the group members, counting them on his fingers.
"Me, Arryn, Barb, Griffin, Millie and Monty. We're all here. We may not all be in one piece but we're not going down without a fight. Well I say we're all here but Kara and Kerry..." His voice became sorrowful as he recalled a memory. His head shook and he shot me a weak smile.
"We tried to save them but they got to them before us."
"I'm so sorry hunny." I pulled him in close and listened to him take deep breaths.
"We'd better get inside. It's almost sundown and they seem to get more active at night. Like dead rising." I giggled at his little gaming reference and followed him in.

I'd finally finished explaining all of the events that had occurred during my time with the others when a small form came rushing towards me from the staff room.
"Auntie Lollyyyyyyyyy!!" Millie squealed. I picked her up and spun her around just before she got to me, causing her to erupt into a fit of laughter.
"Milliiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!" I imitated her and rubbed the top of her head with my knuckle.
"Whassup munchkin?" I asked her, picking her up and placing her on my side. She grinned and hugged me before answering.
"Nothing much really." She answered with a concentrated look on her face as if she was trying to think of something that was up.
"No boy troubles then?" I asked. She scrunched up her nose and gave out a disgusted groan.
"Ewwwwww boys are icky." She groaned.
"Hey! We're not that icky!" Miles placed his hand over his heart, his voice trying to sound hurt and gave Millie a flick on the arm when she stuck her tongue out at him.
"You suuuure?" I sang, making kissing noises and bring her face closer to mine for a kiss.
"Ewww gross!" She moaned pushing me away from her.

After Millie had been put to sleep, I pulled Griffin aside. Her arm seemed to be broken and put into a makeshift sling, most likely made by Monty.
"How are you doing in all of this?" I asked, looking at all the bumps and bruises scattered across her arms, knees and face.
"Millie's doing pretty good. I think all the zombie films and games she's played have done her good so she's-" she started but I cut her off.
"Griffin I know how Millie is. I want to know about you." Her eyes saddened and she stared at the floor.
"I don't know what to do. Everyone seems to immediately know what they're doing, how to survive. I don't understand it. I don't get how they keep it together." She looked into my eyes as she spoke the last bit. It was as the I could almost see her soul through those glassy eyes, so ready to shatter like glass. I took her hand in mine and pulled her into a hug.
"Not everyone gets it easy. There's only so much a person can take and I suppose you've reached your threshold. You're trying to stay strong for Millie, I see that but remember that you need to think for yourself as well as others. Take care of yourself. We're all here to take care of the both of you. Want me to get Geoff to come here?" She nodded into my shoulder, a few tears making their way down my back.

Geoff answered practically straight away, his voice cracking at the news that the two most important people in his life were okay. Sending him my location I hung up and began to wonder back into the aisles of the shopping centre, looking for a snack of some kind. Picking up a stalk of grapes, I heard a mysterious fuzzy sound emitting from my back pocket. I searched through all of my other pockets before making my way to my back pocket...and revealed the walkie talkie that Lucy had got me.
"L....en..........we......ed......HELP!" Between the periods of static, I managed to make out Lucy's small voice along with Ollie's call for help. I wandered around the shop frantically trying to find a good location with a better signal, finding just the right spot in the corner beside the doors.
"Lucy? Lucy!" I called into the device.
"Lauren!! We need your help-" Lucy was cut off by someone grabbing the walkie talkie.
"Get the FUCK over here you." Liz screamed into the walkie talkie, making my blood boil.
"What's your location?" I took my finger off the button. "Bitch." I spoke after.
"We're making our way down to a Walmart on Frontage Road!" My eyes went wide as Ollie shouted the location, MY location down the device. Grabbing my axe, I ran as fast as my legs could take me into the hoard of zombies crowded around a group of people. Hacking down the mindless creatures, I heard shooting from a car on the opposite side. I continued my actions until I reached the centre of the circle, giving Lucy a piggy back and grabbing Harriet's hand. We ran, finding ourselves on the outside. But without Ollie and Liz.
"Ollie! Liz!!" Harriet screamed, only attracting the attention of the hoarde. We sprinted until we heard the mystery car now down the remaining flesh eaters. I placed Lucy back on the floor and Harriet picked her up as my fiancé, my love, made his way to me. Our lips crashed into a passionate kiss.
"We are never ever leaving each other again." I breathed into the kiss.
"Agreed." Ryan responded, picking me up bridal style and twirling me around.
"I also think it's about time we did something about this." He twisted a circular, glistening object between his fingers after returning me to the ground. My wedding ring.
"Agreed." I grinned like an idiot as our lips collided once more.

1,000 reads!!! Dude that's so totally awesome how on earth do this many people want to read this it's I can't even believe it. Thank you guys so much for the support it means so much more than you can imagine! <3

Lauren x

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