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I'm meant to be dead. It's been 24 hours since my bite and nothing's happened. The bite mark is healing faster than it should. I sat in the back of the pick up truck with Gavin, just staring out at the world, remembering the scene that should've ended my life.

"I should be dead." I couldn't help it. The words just slipped out of my mouth. Gavin turned to face me, shock in his eyes.
"Lauren don't think like that!" He patted my shoulder but I shrugged it off.
"No you don't understand. When it happened I was ready. I was ready to go. It could've ended right there for me and I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit life! And now not only is there a zombie apocalypse but Ryan cheated on me. Great. What's so special about me, huh?!" I shouted to the sky, pointing my arms upwards as though questioning God.
"Fucking silent as always." I grumbled.
"Ryan's doing what?!" I heard both Gavin and Ray yell in unison. I ran my fingers through my hair and lowered my head. Ray's head popped out the window and signalled for the others to pull over before slapped Geoff's arm to get him to pull over too. Caution and anxiety washed over my body at the thought of having to face the situation.

Ray bolted out of the car and I vaulted over the edge of the truck in an attempt to stop him. I took his arm and wrenched him back.
"Stop. I don't want you sorting out my situations." I hissed at him through gritted teeth. He gripped my shoulders and stared me in the eye.
"Listen to me. You're my best friend. I'm just trying to protect you. I want to make sure it's true." His expression was soft and protective making me give up my argument almost immediately.
"Hey what's going on here?" Ryan asked, anger masking his face and coating his voice. Ray swivelled on the balls of his feet.
"Nothing's going on here. Well unless you wanna count the fact that you're cheating on Lauren but that's nothing really is it?" His voice was sarcastic. I watched as Ryan tensed his shoulders and squeezed his hand into a fist.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ryan spoke firmly but avoided eye contact. I scoffed.
"Tell that to Liz..." I muttered to myself resulting in a surprised look from Ray.
"Liz?! That cheap whore from the safe house are you serious I would've understood a little tiny bit more if it was someone we've known for some time," Ryan pulled back his fist.
"But her?!" I yanked Ray out of the way just in time and to avoid him getting punched in the face, Gavin replaced Ray, taking the hit. He clutched his face and spat the blood on the floor. Ryan's scowl twisted into utter regret as he backed off and got back into the car. Leading Gav back into the the front seat of the car, I lifted myself back into the back of the truck with Ray and rested my head on his shoulder, spilling tears onto his jacket.
"I'm sorry about that. I'm here for you. I promise I'll never ever let you go." He comforted running his hand up and down my arm sweetly as if I were a fragile object that could break any minute.

Few hours later.
A small bump in the road caused me and Ray to jolt awake. The sun was beginning to rise and the second car cruised to the side of us. Interested on our location, I slowly hoisted my self up and stared out in front of the truck. The view was astonishing. The sky was painted with shades of orange and dusted with yellow tinted clouds.
"Wow..." Ray breathed beside me. His eyes sparkled with wonder and amazement.
"" I whispered. It truly was beautiful.
"You two okay back there?! Want some whiskey or something?" Geoff shouted from the drivers side handing out a bottle of Jack.
"No I-" Ray started but I leant over the side to grab it.
"I'll take some." I wrapped my hands around the neck and smiled at Geoff, giving me little time to look up at the car racing towards us.
"GEOFF!" I shrieked as he twisted the steering wheel to avoid it. Two figures jumped from the vehicle but the car continued towards us at full speed. Ray disappeared from my side and I tried running to the edge of the car to get away but the car smashed into a pole, forcing me to fall forwards and smack my head.

"...oh look the bitch is awake too!" A strong, unfamiliar American accent rang through my ears.
"Don't you touch her!" Ryan spat through gritted teeth. A rough finger traced it's way across my cheek bone causing me to flinch. My breathing hitch and I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Oh look. The little bitch is scared. Maybe we should go and have a little fun with her." My eyes shot open as I realised what they were saying.
"No! No you stupid son of a bitch don't you dare touch her or I swear to GOD I will kill you all!" Ryan screamed. I felt the pain in his voice pierce through my skin. He was pulling at his bonds. Fear rippled through my body as one of the men held a sharpened and bloodied knife to my neck.
"You even try and do that and I will slice right through her neck." The man yelled.
"We wouldn't want that now would we sweetheart?" He whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek. I shook my head at Ryan and let a silent tear trickle from my eye. The others weren't here. Just me, Ryan and two men I'd never met before. I was scared. So scared.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Schools been a bitch. Hopefully I'll get a longer chapter up soon for y'all.
Lauren x

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