The Moment it All Turned to S**t

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"Congrats Mrs Almost Haywood!!" Lindsay joked from across the panel. Whilst blowing a kiss of thanks down to Lindsay, one of the guardians came over to the edge of the stage. However everyone seemed so occupied the recent events making me the only person who saw the guardian, worry masking his face. I swiftly jogged down to the guy to enquire what was going on.
"We have a situation outside. There seems to be some kind of riot but we're not 100% on what's happening. We've signalled the other guardians to bring the other RT members so we can get you all out together." Happiness and excitement drained from my mind and face and was replaced with anxiety, concern and seriousness.
"Mind if I come and take a look?" I questioned, curious about what was happening behind these walls.
"I wouldn't advise you to do that ma'am,"
"I don't care let me see the situation." I said, pushing past him and power walking towards the door.

Looking through the small glass panel on one of the double doors, I wish I'd never seen the horrifying image that appeared before my eyes. Everything seemed to fall into slow motion. People were drenched head to toe in a mixture of their own and other people's blood, bodies scattered on the floor with bits of clothing, flesh and in some cases limbs torn off and strewn across the corridor. I was frozen. Shocked. Petrified. did this happen in the small amount of time we were on our panel?!

Something broke my thoughts then and there. Taking another glance at the massacre in front of me, I stared and witnessed on of the many bodies push corpses away as it attempted to balance itself. Blood from a large gash in his own arm spilled over his skin and dripped off his fingertips like raindrops. He bent his lean body down and to my disgust, yanked off another corpses arm to feast on his slowly rotting flesh and bone.
"No..." I whispered to myself in disbelief.
"No it can't be...they said it was illogical. That it could never happen."
"That what could never happen?" Burnie asked from a dark corner of the room backstage. "A zombie apocalypse?"
"Burnie thank God you're here...listen I need to go tell the others and help the guardians devise an evacuation route for the people in there."
"Are you crazy?!" He shouted, grabbing my arm as I attempted to walk to the stage.
"You're not staying. You're gonna tell the others, tell the audience and let the authorities sort the fans out. We already lost mum and dad. I can't risk losing my little sister. Even if I didn't spend much time with you as a kid, I still love you more than anything." He said, his voice becoming more solemn as he spoke.
"Let me stay for 10 minutes. Just 10. Then I'll follow."
He stared into my eyes as though trying to battle with me but gave in, looking away and nodding in agreement. I made my way up to the stage urgently and whispered the new news into Geoff's ear.
"Have you actually gone insane?" He laughed at me.
"Zombies. Pfft. Never gonna-" before he could even finish off his sentence, a mangled, green veined hand plunged it's way through the wooden doors behind the audience.
"Shit..." I mumbled. I sprinted on the balls of my feet to try and get to the doors to try and hold them shut but before I could even get halfway there, they burst open causing a wave of audience members to jump out of their seats and start squirming around like fishes out of water. I stumbled over someone's foot and the back of my head collided with the floor. Blackness. But before that blackness, I watched as a figure I knew well traveled over my body and connected a thick metal pipe with a zombies jaw.

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN shit goes DOWN son. Hope you few people reading this are enjoying it so far :)

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