Almost There

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It seemed to be going well. I was lucky enough to not be put on the spot with a question directed at me unlike all the others. There was the odd few questions directed at everyone but they were the only time I'd had to speak. I'd hoped that no one would ask me a question. Hoped. But I guess that wasn't enough.
"My question is for Lauren. I also have a request. My question is what's the scariest/creepy/most disturbing thing that Ryan has ever said? I'll let you answer the question first." The boy in his late teens said to me. He wore a shirt with "All Hail the Wild Queen", a reference from when I became the queen on minecraft, on it and jeans.
"Well you see..." I began to speak but as I did I had a temporary mind blank. My palms began to sweat profusely and my entire body began to shudder.
'Take a breath. Take it deep. Calm yourself...' I thought to myself.
"...both me and Ryan are criminally insane so the things we say to each other, still two words by the way Ray, and the other Achievement Hunters are equally as creepy. But if I had to pick one it would have to of the disturbing ones. When," I began chuckling to myself,
"When Ryan and Ray were on On the Spot and it got to the quick fire questions. The category was 'surprising things to yell when climaxing' and the letter was G and before the round had even started, Ryan just shouts "GLAD YOU'RE MY SISTER!!!" That had to be one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard come from your mouth!" I stated, chuckling between words. To my surprise, the whole audience seemed to be laughing with me which made me loosen up a bit. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all

"HEY I was being put on the spot ok! Badum tshhhhh!" Ryan shouted making the silly drum noise people make after telling a joke.
"Oh please. You're not barbara." I giggled.
"Oh pleeeeeeeease!" Geoff said, impersonating me and my oh so British accent. After flicking his forehead I proceeded to allow the young man at the microphone to state his request.
"Could I do a quick duet of I see the light from Tangled with you please?"
I had a reputation around the office that I could sing really well. Well enough to do the tracks for RWBY. Turning to Ryan, I searched his eyes for a sign that he would allow me to do such a heart felt song with another man. He winked at me and motioned his head to just below the stage. Smiling from ear to ear with pure excitement, I placed my hand on his cheek and planted a firm kiss on his lips. "Thank you" I mouthed to him. Skipping down to just below the stage, I spotted the young man jogging down with his phone and a microphone. Ryan handed down my mic from the stage before mouthing "go for it" and winking at me one last time.
"How much of it can we do?"
"I guess the whole song. Hey, your voice is amazing. Go for it!" Geoff spoke to me. I grinned and turned to the boy who'd started recording on his phone. Somehow, within the time it took for us to get ready, someone had gotten the instrumental. The lighting began to fade and people got out the flashlights on their phones to look like the lanterns.

I began to sing, the words pouring from my mouth smoothly as though I'd been singing these words all my life. The hall was silenced and swaying as I came to the end of my verse.
"All at once, everything looks different. Now that I see you." As I sang those words I turned to Ryan and grabbed his hand. But within no time the interval to the song was over and I had to return to the young boy to continue the song.
He placed his arm over my shoulders and held me tight. This made me anxious. Ryan wasn't a fan of guys getting to close to me. I became shifty but had to play along till the end. 'Just one more line Lauren. Come on. It'll be fine' I whispered to myself in the quiet sanctuary of my mind.
"Now that I...see you." We sung together. I tore myself from his grip as I felt Ryan's eyes bore into the back of my head. With a quick hug and a thank you from the boy, I ran back up to my seat and began to fidget with my fingers. I sat there, just staring at them.
"You were pretty good you know. Even if he did hold you that close." I heard from beside me. I looked to my right to see Ryan smirking at me.
"You have no idea how uncomfortable that was," I said smirking back at him. "That was fucking terrifying!" I giggled. I just hope I'm not put on the spot again.

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