Where are we going...?

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"Crap," I breathed to myself in shock. My heart began to thud as I felt every drop of blood pulse through my veins. Blaine's body flopped about like a fish while he was being held up against the window against his will. One arm was squeezing around his neck and several others were placed across his chest, attempting to pull him through the wood and glass. At that moment, a scorched and bloodied face forced it's way through the boards and sunk it's teeth into Blaine's left shoulder, sending him to his doom. Reacting purely on instinct, I ran back to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife and returned to my place where I threw the knife. It span through the air before plunging itself into the zombies temple.
'Looks like you've remembered you're army training.' I thought to myself, smiling crookedly. Before any of this I'd been in the same army as Geoff which led me to become good friends with everyone, mainly Ryan of course.

Blaine's body dropped to the floor as he placed his hand onto his bite. Lindsay revealed herself from under a restaurant table and the others returned from searching for weapons and first aid out the back of the restaurant.
"Thank fucking god that's over..." Burnie sighed, putting his hand on his head and sitting at a table.
"We're obviously not safe here. We'd better keep moving. Someone stitch Blaine up so we can get moving." He continued. I wasn't going to let that happen. One way or another he wasn't joining us anymore.
"Blaine will no longer be joining us." I stated in a monotone voice.
"What?!" Blaine looked at me, his eyes shifting frantically from one person to another. Being the only other person to witness the incident, Lindsay began to shake before saying the words no one wanted to hear.
"H-he's...he's bit." I watched Lindsay as her eyes welled with tears and her breathing rate increased rapidly. Michael ran over to her to comfort her quickly.
"It's ok. Don't worry Lindsay. I'll keep you safe." Their voices faded as they walked towards the other end of the restaurant.
"Is it true?" Gavin asked shyly.
"I...I...please don't leave me alone guys!" Blaine shouted as he burst into tears.
"You have two choices Blaine. You can take your own advice and go out there. Or, you can do the better thing for yourself and let us put you down. Your choice." I voiced my thoughts to the group.
"No Lauren please. Don't do this." He whispered, his arm outstretched towards me. As much as I hated him, the pain in his eyes caused me to feel sorrow and heart break. I felt tears prick my eyes as I stared at his face. He was so young. Too young to die.
"I..." I stuttered, struggling to find words.
"It's the only thing we can do Blaine. It's difficult but there's nothing we can do." Ray spoke from the store cupboard where he's been searching for weapons. I looked over to him and gave him a smile of thanks. I wanted to give Blaine words that would satisfy him like 'it'll be ok' or 'we'll find something' but I couldn't lie like that. No matter how much we hated each other.

Blaine lowered his head and picked himself up from the floor before slowly walking towards me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Ok." He grimaced as blood seeped from his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for being such a bitch, Lauren. I didn't mean any of it. I just...I guess I'm bitter towards people who are better looking than me," he smiled from the corner of his mouth and winked at me. His face turned from sorrow to acceptance as he realised the course of events.
"Forgive me." He whispered and placed his gun in my hand. A chill ran through my body as I understood what was happening.
"Blaine no I can't do this I-"
"I deserve it." He stated, a single tear escaping his eye. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill him. I placed the gun on the cash register and turned to run away. Slamming the kitchen door shut, I pushed my back against it and slid down the door unleashing the buckets of tears that had built up behind my eyes. Throwing my hands over my face, I listened as I heard the sound of a glock bullet lodge itself in his brain. This group is going to fall apart and there is nothing I can do about it. I thought I was strong. Apparently I'm wrong.

Hey guys I'm really sorry for the wait. I've not been having the greatest of weeks so I've really not been in the mood to do any writing. Hope y'all understand. Thanks guys

Lauren x <3

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