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My sobs grew scarce. He wanted me to kill him. That's all. I should've done it. I mean, I was in the army for god sake I've seen plenty of blood shed. It's would've been the right thing to do. I rested my head against the door, listening for any conversation happening on the other side of it. Nothing. Making the decision to stop being such a whimp, I stood up and clicked the door open. I let out a few quick sniffs to try and compose myself and make it seem as though I hadn't been crying for hours.

Turning a corner, I was greeted with a small pool of Blaine's blood. I gagged slightly at the mental image of his dead, limp body, blood pouring from his shoulder and head and turned around before I puked.
"Lauren?" I heard from behind me. I froze for a second before turning my head to the side.
"Are you okay?" Ray asked slowly, revealing himself from the kitchen I'd been hiding in.
"I just came to check on you but you weren't-" I cut him off by sprinting over to him and hugging him tightly, letting out a whole new load of tears.
"-there..." He finished, putting one arm around my back and placing another on the back of my head, caressing it.
"It's's gonna be okay...we're gonna be okay..." He whispered to me softly.
"I don't wanna lose you guys. That was hard enough...and I hated Blaine." I sobbed over his shoulder.
"I know. It's gonna be hard but we have each other. We're gonna do everything we can to keep everyone alive." He released me from his grip and cupped his hands on my cheeks, lifting my chin slightly to look at him.
"You're my best friend, Lauren. I am not gonna let anything bad happen to you, okay?" He stared into my eyes, anticipating a response. I trusted him. My best friend.
"Okay." I sniffed.
"Lauren..." I heard a sigh of relief behind me as Ryan came running towards me. He gripped my waist and lifted me up, twirling me around like a Disney princess. Placing me down, he smoothed his hand against me cheek, checking me for any scratches, bruises or bumps.
"You scared me there." He said to me, concerned.
"I'm fine Ryan. Honest." I said to him, smiling. Before I knew it, he swung my body round to the side like they do in a ballroom dance or in romantic movies and kissed me passionately.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He whispered in between kisses.
"Yes. Yes you have." I giggled.

Our moment was soon over when Geoff, Gavin and Burnie entered with a plan.
"We need to leave. Somehow we need to get to the safe point they've shown on the news." Gavin spoke first.
"Now, it's pretty far and there's a shit ton of zombies out there. But don't fret. We've got a plan." Geoff stated, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence.
"We've divided everyone into teams. Geoff, Ryan and Jack are gonna lead some zombies over and fucking slaughter them so we can test the Walking Dead theory that drenching yourself in zombie blood makes zombies think you're a zombie. Ray, Gavin and Michael are gonna be the stealth squad, cover themselves in zombie blood and search for two cars for us all. I'm going to stay in here with Lindsay and try and gather all the supplies from in here that we need before we get into the cars. That okay, Linds?" Burnie asked. Lindsay nodded her head confidently.
"Good. Finally, Lauren I need you to go up on the roof with the bow and arrows to provide cover for us."
"Okay. But before we do anything can we just have a minutes silence or something for the others? I mean we've lost Kdin, Caleb, Blaine and god knows where the RWBY crew are." We all agreed with each other. Standing in a small circle, we each stared at the ground silently in memorial of the ones we've lost.

After the short silence, we all got ready to take our places. A hand wrapped itself around my wrist and pulled my into a soft embrace.
"Be careful." Ryan breathed into the top of my head.
"I will...I love you so so much. You know that right?" I replied.
"Of course I do, baby. I love you too." Tears stung my eyes as I let go of his safe embrace. Staring into his eyes, I watched as they glistened. A tear marked it's way down our cheeks as we walked our separate ways, hoping to see each other alive again soon.

Sprinting up to the roof, I steadied my arms and prepared myself for the following events. This was gonna be difficult.

150 READS WUUUUUUUT?!?! Thank you so much guys for all these reads! It means so much!!!

Lauren <3

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