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Blackness. The thing that seemed to be my greatest friend within this past few weeks. Many would push darkness away and refuse it refuge within their bodies. But me, I greet it with open arms. I'm ready for death...I know I am and I know I always should be. I'm ready for this. I'm ready to go. Goodbye Burnie. Goodbye my fellow hunters. And goodbye my love-

"LAUREN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" But I guess death will have to wake and I'll have to suffer the pains of life that little bit longer. My eyes burst open with energy to see Burnie's overwrought face. Flinching at the burst of pain in my jaw, I lifted myself from the floor only to come into contact with a bullet grazing the skin on my left arm. I let out a yelp and fell to the ground with my hand clutching the wound. My back crashed against the car the Burnie had hidden me behind. My vision began to blur, occasionally turning a deep red. That was it. I was finally broken. I looked around me frantically for a way to defend myself, my mind frequently flashing back to the several horrifying war scenarios I'd taken part in. Burnie's screams were masked by my own chaotic ones. His hands sometimes made contact with my face in an attempt to calm me down only to be refused. My fingers wandered the ground in search of an object, a weapon, just something to protect myself with. Good and evil all became one, hallucinations took over my mind and...and they were all dead. Every single one of them lay lifeless on the floor, faces and torsos drenched in their own blood and guts. I stormed over to them furiously, Burnie still shrieking at me at the top of his lungs but failing to get through to my broken self.

Trudging through the destruction and turmoil that I had created I proceeded to execute each potential zombie with a swift and hatred filled blow to the head. These people may have had families they were protecting, brothers, mothers, daughters that they were trying to keep alive even through all this. But I didn't care. To me they were murderers and torturers and just pure evil. Burnie wrapped his strong arms around my waist and gripped me tightly, lifting my kicking and screaming figure almost effortlessly.
"LAUREN STOP THIS!" His pleads finally reached to the depths of my consciousness.
"PLEASE...please just stop." I breathed heavily into the space in front of me. He gripped my arm and spun me around, clutching my face before kissing my forehead and holding me tight. I breathed into his shoulder, taking in his familiar scent and relaxing my body slightly. My vision still continued to blur, fading in and out of reality and real life like the tears in Bioshock Infinite. That's the only way it could be described. Although this all wasn't could be. Burnie's hand cradled my hair.
"I just got a call from Lucy through the walkie talkie." Burnie started. He sounded so solemn. My breathing hitched. What was he going to say?
"Ryan's gone missing from the camp. They say he left a note saying he's gone looking for us. Well you more specifically." My eyes went wide and the red began to creep into my vision again. I pushed Burnie away and continued to step backwards only to stumble over a limp body in familiar clothing. His. Clothing. Everything seemed to slow down and my voice cracked as I tried to squeeze out the words that had trapped themselves in my throat. I crawled forwards towards the body and used the rag hanging from my dress to uncover the hidden face. My words only came out as a mere squeak but they were still audible.
"Ryan?" I squeaked. I couldn't do it anymore. I curled up into a ball beside him and did something I'd been trying to teach myself not to do. I cried. Funny how the heart makes no noise when it cracks.

The Apocalypse is now (AH/Ryan Haywood fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now