Plan Takes Action

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I positioned the myself as though I were using a sniper rifle instead of a bow. I knelt down on one knee to give myself more balance and readied my first arrow. My elbow was at the correct angle, my hands guiding the direction that the arrow would go in.

After a couple of minutes of listening to the mind numbing groans escape the zombies mouths, I watched as something seemed to catch their attention below me. The plan was in motion. I waited to see Gavin's blood covered hand flail out the restaurant window before I searched for a route in which the Lads could take and released my first arrow, setting part two of the plan in motion. Michael's Banjoo Kazooie hat peeked out from the window as he scanned the area for any stray zombies. I watched as they almost crawled through their path.

No zombies had noticed them. Well, no zombies had noticed them so far. Then it happened. Knowing Gavin and his stupid self he is very forgetful. Therefore he decides to set himself alarms for when he has to do things. And, to our huge misfortune, now happened to be the time in which he was supposed to do something. Ricky Gervais' scream rang throughout the street as my heart stopped. Looking directly below me, I watched as the horde that had previously been swarming the restaurant make its way towards the noise being emitted from Gavin's pocket. I watched as the Lads looked to one another in panic. Gavin started to scramble as he tried to figure out which pocket he'd placed his phone is. My heart beat faster and faster as I locked eyes with Ray. I was scared but I could only imagine what he was feeling.
'I can't lose my best friend...' I thought to myself.
Bringing myself back to my senses, I took it upon myself to try and keep them alive for as long as possible. I picked off the corpses one by one in hope that the horde would eventually avert its attention back to me.

The noise ended abruptly and the Lads lurched themselves in the opposite direction to escape and find a car.
"God fucking damn it Gavin." I sighed bluntly to myself.

I slid myself down the ladder on the outside of the roof to find Burnie pacing the room, Lindsay sat at a table just fidgeting with a napkin, Jack stood with both hands around the back of his head and Geoff crouched on the floor next to something. Ryan was sat in a corner with his eyes closed, breathing heavily.
"Guys?" I said, confused. No answer.
"Guys what's going on?" I asked again. This time I got two looks from Burnie and Jack but still no response.
"Hey!!" I yelled at them.
"What the fuck, Lauren?!" Burnie growled at me.
"I had to get your attention somehow didn't i?! Is someone gonna tell me what's going on here? Gavin, Ray and Michael are being chased by a horde and you're doing nothing about it." I motioned out the door. Geoff was still staring at whatever he was crouched over. Out of pure curiosity, I wondered over there only to see something I wish I hadn't seen. A familiar red headed body lay sprawled on the floor. The young woman's jaw was dislocated and pieces of flesh were hanging off, a knife plunged deep into her skull. After a few seconds of studying what was left of the woman, I recognised her features.
"Meg..." I whispered.
"I didn't...she tried to eat my face off...I just reacted on pure instinct. I-" Geoff spluttered out words but had difficulty putting them all together.
"Does Gavin..."
"Does he know?" Jack finished my sentence quickly, anxious. I nod.
"No. I'd rather you didn't tell him." Geoff reacted quickly to my question.
"Geoff he's gonna find out sooner or later."
"That's not what I meant. I wanna tell him myself. No matter how much it breaks me. Or him. I just need to tell him at the right time. So as far as anyone knows this never happened." Geoff continued, throwing her corpse over his shoulder, taking it outside, pouring some whiskey on it and setting it alight with a match.

Lindsay lifted her head.
"Where's Michael? I need him." She enquired. Her face was blank and expressionless. She displayed no emotion.
"He's gone to find a car, Linds. He'll be back soon." Burnie comforted her.
"But I need him now." She demanded, shrugging Burnie's hand off her back. I'd never seen her like this. She was usually the type to joke around and be happy. She was kind and selfless. She was never demanding and bossy.
"He's not here right now Lindsay you need to wait for him to come back." I crouched down beside her only to be shoved onto my backside by her.
"I don't care. I DONT CARE. I'M going to find him and YOU can't stop me." She stormed out of the kitchen with just a butchers knife. Lindsay had always been physically strong, but mentally? That was a different story. She hated not being around Michael and I guess seeing one of her best friends dead flipped a switch in her brain. We couldn't let her venture off alone. It wouldn't be right. Splitting up was never a good idea and if anyone was good friends with Lindsay it was me.

My hands shook out of fear. I began to run after when something latched itself around my arm.
"Lauren please...don't leave. We need to stick together." Burnie whispered to me, worried.
"I can't leave her out there alone Burnie. She'll die within minutes by herself." I said bluntly.
"This is her choice. Just let her go." Ryan said from his corner.
"She's one of my best friends Ryan. I couldn't live with myself knowing that she died because no one could be bothered to go after her." I stated whilst walking out the door with my bow and a lead pipe.
"Lauren!!" Ryan ran after me only to be grabbed by Jack at the waist and pushed back inside by Burnie. I heard the tears in his voice and pictured his tear streaked face. Tears gathered in my eyes as I ran as fast as I could after Lindsay who'd walked into an alley.
"Lindsay!" I called out, awaiting a response. Nothing. I turned the corner into the alley where she was no where to be found. The sound of heavy breathing and grunting came from behind me and I turned a round slowly as to not startle the creature behind me. The stench of the zombies breath made me gag and I stepped back to keep my distance from it's teeth that were chattering together. Half of my mind waited for it to come over and just finish it while the other half of me made my hand clench around the pipe and raise the pipe to smash its brains out. But something was wrong. It wasn't coming after me.
"You not gonna come after me, huh?!" I yelled at it. It just stood there, staring. What was going on?
"Fine." I whispered, a sinister smile plastered on my face. I lifted the pipe above my hang and swung down, connecting with it's ear. The skull split open and blood trickled out down it's cheek as it's head collided with the wall.
'Lindsay...' I thought and began to climb up the ladder to the roof. You'd better be up here you mother trucker. Something crossed my mind as I took my first step up the ladder. If I do this, I may never see Ryan again...

218 reads AAHHHHHHHH!!!
What's she gonna do? Is she gonna go after Lindsay or go back to Ryan? Decisions decisions...

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