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Nobu watched from the bed as his mama paced around the bedroom, phone held to his ear with a vice grip. Nobu let out a pouty sigh, bouncing slightly on the bed. He woke up this morning to his mama doing this, scratching at his scalp and gripping his hair anxiously. His eyes were rimmed with red, lips trembling and cheeks stained with tears.

"Mama," he said quietly, his bottom lip jutting out. The omega ignored him, though Nobu was sure he didn't even hear him. He just continued to pace around.

He heard the phone beep and his mama let out a frustrated cry, "god dammit!"

Nobu flinched, eyes widening at his mother's sudden outburst. Akaashi stilled, his hand holding his phone dangling by his side while his other hand covered his eyes. Nobu's frown deepened .


"What, Nobu," Akaashi snapped softly, hand still covering his face. Nobu glanced at the phone before pouting.

"Why are you sad, mama? Where's Tetsu? We're still gonna get ice cream today, right?"

Akaashi lifted his hand from his face, his tired eyes turning to look at his son. The omega felt his bottom lips tremble, tears filling his eyes before he let out a soft cry. "Fuck," he breathed out before leaning against the wall, sliding down until his face was tucked between his knees.

Nobu watched, fingers fiddling in his lap. He didn't want his mama to get far away, but he couldn't call Konoha-oji when his mama was holding his phone.

Much to his luck, he heard the front door open. Nobu gasped, delighted, before scrambling off the bed. "Tetsu!"

Only it wasn't Kuroo who was at the front door, but Konoha. Even then, Nobuyuki was still delighted. He ran up to the older man, hugging his leg. "Konoha-oji! I missed you!"

Konoha smiled as he knelt down, ruffling Nobu's hair. "Hey, Bub. How are you?"

"I'm good," he then let out a long sigh, pouting, "but mama is sad and Tetsu isn't here. He promised me ice cream!" Konoha frowned, his brows furrowed.

"Where is mama?"

Nobu grabbed Konoha's hand before pulling him into the bedroom. Akaashi was still sat against the wall, hugging his knees. Konoha couldn't see his face, which was hidden in his legs. The boy was completely still and Konoha felt a jolt of panic.

"Hey, Keiji?" He quickly knelt beside his friend, a worried frown etched in his face as he shook Akaashi's arm softly. "Keiji."

He sighed in relief when Akaashi tilted his head enough to peek at Konoha with one eye. He only hummed, his voice raspy from the lack of sleep and probably from crying. Konoha felt his worry only deepen.

"Hey, Bokuto called me this morning asking me to check on you. Did something happen last night? Did Kuroo do something?"

"No," Akaashi quickly defended, though his voice was quiet and barely noticeable. He didn't explain any further, only burying his face again.

"Is it the nightmares? Did you have one again?"

"No," Akaashi stressed, this time with a quiet cry. He lifted his head up, using the sleeves of his hoodie to wipe away the tears. "No, I didn't have a fucking nightmare."

Nobuyuki (BoKuroAka)Where stories live. Discover now