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TW: slight mention of prostitution

"You've been staring at your phone all night."

Akaashi startled, his phone flying out of his hand as he straightened up. "Shit-" he hissed, attempting to catch it and ultimately failing. Iwaizumi huffed out a laugh, bending down to grab the phone for Akaashi. Akaashi's cheeks flushed, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Iwaizumi, instead of handing the phone back to Akaashi, took in the liberty of scrolling through the texts. He grinned, snickering as he ignored Akaashi's pleads.


"Kuroo-San, eh? You got yourself a boyfriend, 'Kaashi? .... Jesus, you could've at least found a guy who's good at pick up lines."

Akaashi let out a small laugh, finally snatching his phone back. He pocketed it, his face as red as a cherry. Iwaizumi was still snickering, shaking his head with amusement at Akaashi's utter embarrassment.

"I'm messing with you, Akaashi. but I am curious now," he quirked a brow, leaning his elbows against the counter, "is this the same Kuroo from the diner."

Akaashi nodded, cheeks only flushing darker, "b-but were not dating. He asked for my number, that's all."

Iwaizumi still smiled at that, a proud look on his face. He nudged Akaashi's arm, "hey!" He cheered, "look at you. I'm guessing this is progress?" Akaashi snorted.

"Progress to what?"

"To letting yourself enjoy life, what else, idiot."

Akaashi playfully glared at the older man, smiling fondly. Texting Kuroo really didn't make much of a difference in life. If anything, it was a hinderance. Despite Akaashi's warning, the man still texted him late at night; and Akaashi's found himself distracted during work, too busy texting back Kuroo. And even though it was disrupting Akaashi's normal schedule, he couldn't find it in himself to care. It's been a while since he got to socialize with someone he didn't work with (exempting Konoha and Komi).

"Shut up and make some drinks."

"Says the one who's hiding behind the counter."

Akaashi shrugged, his phone buzzing in his pocket. Before he could come up with an excuse, other than the fact that he was texting Kuroo, Oikawa was strutting up to the bar. He leaned over the counter, the glitter on his eyelids shining in the lights.

"Iwa-Chan, can I take my break now? I need to pick up my niece from volleyball practice."

Iwaizumi nodded, reminding Oikawa to be back by eight. Oikawa winked, blowing a kiss to the man before hurrying off to the changing room. He barely offered Akaashi a glance, and the one he did offer came with a scowl.

Once he was out of ears reach, Iwaizumi spoke. "He still pissed?"


"Did you apologize?"

"Of course," Akaashi said, as if it was a matter of fact, "I've apologized twice now. But he won't forgive me until..." Akaashi swallowed, his ears flushing and he closed his lips tight. The ache in his jaw and money shoved in his converse was a perfect reminder of exactly why Oikawa won't forgive Akaashi.

Although having Oikawa give him the cold shoulder was annoying, Akaashi still had to be grateful that the older omega didn't rat him out. He would definitely lose his job if Oikawa did, and Akaashi wasn't sure he could afford that.

"Until what?"

Akaashi blinked, humming out in confusion. Iwaizumi was giving him an expectant look, his arms crossed as he waited for Akaashi to finish his explanation. With a sigh, Akaashi sighed.

"Nevermind. It's stupid, I'll handle it myself."

The two watched as Oikawa sauntered back out of the dressing room, dressed casually rather than the erotic outfit he wore for his performances. As he passed the bar, Iwaizumi reminded him once again to be back on time.

Oikawa replied with a wave of his hand, and Akaashi spoke up before Oikawa could get too far.

"Drive safe, Oikawa-San."

Oikawa whipped back around, his hair bouncing with the movement. His eyes were narrowed fiercely, his cheeks puffed out. There was a moment of silent before he let out the breath he was holding.

"I love you so fucking much, Aka-Chan, and I hate how caring you are. Apology is still not accepted."

And then he was gone, leaving behind a stunned Iwaizumi and an annoyed Akaashi. "Jesus," the latter muttered, rolling his eyes. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he really did miss having Oikawa talk his ear off. And of course he knew Oikawa just wanted what was best for him, but the two had two very different ideas on what was best for him.

Oikawa was focused on Akaashi's well being, Akaashi was focused on trying to earn enough money to raise a child. And maybe if he had a college degree, he wouldn't be kneeling on a dirty bathroom floor just for a few extra bucks. But he didn't have a degree because life liked to fuck Akaashi over like that.

His phone vibrated again and Akaashi pushed away the thoughts. He pulled it back out, his lips twitching into a smile. 

Kuroo: okay what about this one.

Kuroo: are you French???

Kuroo: because eiffel for you (;

Akaashi huffed out a laugh, his cheeks flushing.  From the corner of his eye, he could see Iwaizumi looking at him, smiling. It only made Akaashi's cheeks flush more and he typed out a quick reply.

Akaashi: hm. I don't know how I feel about that one.

Kuroo: awe, kaashi. You wound me ):

Kuroo: can I get a kiss to make it feel better?? (;

Akaashi: ...

Kuroo: oh come on, that one was pretty smooth!

Kuroo: kaaaaashi

Kuroo: fiiine. But I promise to come back to meow with pick up lines so good you'll be knocked off your feet.

Akaashi's cheeks hurt from how big his smile was, his eyes crinkled at the corners. Iwaizumi nudged the side of his head, snorting. "Quit it, it was cute at first but now it's just gross." Akaashi's ears redeemed and he glared playfully.

"Whatever," was his reply.

"Here. Bring these to table seven, would ya?" Akaashi accepted the two drinks with a nod. A ghost of his smile still graced his lips and he handed the drinks to the two alphas.

Kuroo was a hinderance, but he was a nice hinderance.

Just a bit of a filler chapter, cuz we need those sometimes ✌️hope you enjoyed nonetheless!! <3

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