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"Bo, I'm freaking out! You're supposed to be helping me."

Bokuto shrugged from where he was sitting on the floor of the volleyball court. He was spinning a volleyball against the floor, his face pulled into a semi-pout. By most, it would look like he was deep in though.

"Come on, man. You have to help me."

"I don't know," Bokuto murmured, "it's not like you haven't been on a date before. What'd you do then?"

"That was different! I wasn't serious about those, they were just romantic flings." Bokuto let out another heavy sigh and finally looked up at Kuroo. Kuroo's hair was yanked up in crazy directions, even more than normal and he was sweating from how much pacing he's done since this morning. Bokuto has been ready to tease him for his friends demenour, but then the taller man had spilled how he finally got a date with Akaashi.

Akaashi Keiji.

The Akaashi that Bokuto was always so sure he'd end up with. Maybe he was just full of it and the fact that Kuroo got to him first was supposed to be his reality check. But he didn't want a reality check. He didn't want to believe that Kuroo, his best friend who never really cared for relationships, was going on a date with the one person Bokuto always dreamed of being with. He wanted to stay in his fantasy. The one where he was with Akaashi. While Kuroo has been trying to think of ideas for his date, Bokuto's been trying to find reasons to not want Akaashi. New flash, there's none.

He's perfect.

"Koutarou," Kuroo sighed, "what the hell has been up with you lately? For the passed few weeks, you've been acting really weird."

No, he was just acting the way he did in high school. A needy child that was too busy thinking about Akaaahi to realize there was a whole world out there. But he had no desire to pay attention to the rest of the world when Akaashi was right at his finger tips. No wonder Akaashi never paid any mind to him. No wonder Akaashi shot him down before he could even get his confession out.

"I dunno," Bokuto replied, but it came out as a whine. His shoulder only slumped more. He watched as Kuroo sat down next to him, bending his legs and crossing his ankles. Resting his forearms on his knees, he leaned forward.

"Kou, you know you can talk to me, right? What's bugging you?"

Bokuto couldn't tell him, it'd make things weird. Instead, he smiled. "Komi once told me that Akaashi's kind of a cliche. He also likes aesthetically pleasing sceneries." Kuroo groaned.

"Fuck, I'm so nervous. Bo, what if he regrets this date?"

"I'm sure he won't, Tetsu," Bokuto mumbled, "he really seems to like you."

And Akaashi really did, he really liked Kuroo. It was almost overwhelming how fast his feelings caught up with him. For months, he was so focused on the worries of dating someone that he ignored the feelings he already had for the man who showed up to the diner every Wednesday.

Nobuyuki watched as Akaashi paced around the apartment Friday afternoon. Kuroo was picking him up at six and he still hasn't even decided what he should wear. "Mama," Nobuyuki called out. Pancake followed Akaashi around, wagging her tail as she kept barely a foot between them. "Mamaaa," he said again, leaning over the back of the couch.

Nobuyuki (BoKuroAka)Where stories live. Discover now