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The diner Akaashi worked at was in the busier part of the city, a ten minute walk from where he lived. Despite how small the diner was, they always seemed to be packed. From the amazing cook they had, to the pleasing aesthetic they set up, people loved to come here. It gained Akaashi a lot more hours than what were normal and he often got stuck there hours after his shift. Today was no exception and he'd just gotten there. Nearly every table was filled, the diner resonated with lively chatter and heartfelt laughs. It was a nice environment, Akaashi just wished he wasn't the one running around trying to keep everyone happy.

Koushi was behind the counter, trying to appease a man who was complaining about something (that was probably stupid and nothing worth getting worked up over). Koushi, still the ever living optimist, helped him with a bright smile. "Sir, I'm sure it wasn't your fault and I'm deeply sorry for the misunderstanding-"

The man cut him off and continued to complain, arms flailing around in angry gestures. Akaashi walked up to them, hip-checking Koushi out of the way and opening up the cash register. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, we can offer you a refund for your troubles. How much was the bill?" The man spat out the price of his meal (which was apparently made wrong, again...not something to get worked up over) and and he was soon on his way, muttering something incoherent.

"Akaashi!" Koushi whined, "we can't offer refunds!"

Akaashi pulled out his own wallet, replacing the money he just gave away from his own paycheck, "he was causing a scene- don't give me that look, it's fine."

Koushi sighed, eyes wide, "I'm sorry, 'Kaashi." Akaashi shrugged, picking up his notepad to go help a couple that just sat down.

"Really, it's fine." The money he just put in the register was supposed to pay for part of his and Nobuyuki's groceries, but he's sure they could live without cereal for a week. He'll just have to deal with Nobuyuki's consistent complaining.

He offered the couple a smile, welcoming them, "can I start you two off with some drinks?" In the distance, he heard someone demanding assistance and Koushi raced over to their table, smile as bright as ever. Akaashi didn't know how he did it. The other omega was at least a few years older than him and Akaashi's sure he had more wrinkles. He was just waiting for the grey hairs now.

Maneuvering through the tables, Akaashi filled two cups of coffee before bringing them to the couple. The bell above the door rang for the umpteenth time that day, yet Akaashi knew who it was before even looking up. When he did finally look up, he was met with that stupid smirk and messy black hair. He only offered the man a quirked eyebrow and a lift of the corner of his mouth before turning back to the couple. It was hard to listen to the couple when there was another pair of insistent eyes on him.

After writing down the order, he excused himself. Dropping off the order on the way, Akaashi walked over to the table Kuroo sat at, ignoring Koushi's bouncing eyebrows and cheeky grin. "Kuroo-San," he said, leaning his hip against the end of the booth and he raised his eyebrows.

"Well hey, angel. Fancy meeting you here."

Akaashi tilted his head, raising his eyebrows higher and the older man laughed.

Kuroo, a man Akaashi barely knew, yet felt so familiar around, always showed up every Wednesday. Sometimes he'd even surprise Akaashi by showing up on a Friday or Monday.

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