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"Mama, why are we at the hospital?" Nobuyuki whined loudly, attracting the attention of the other people sitting in the waiting room.

"Nobu," Akaashi warmed. Nobuyuki only whined again and a person glared at Akaashi. With a sigh, Akaashi pulled Nobuyuki into his lap. "Were here to see Komi and Konoha, okay? Please be good."

"Why couldn't I stay with Kuroo?!" The person who glared scoffed, shaking their head disapprovingly. Akaashi pressed his lips into a thin line and his voice was strained as he spoke.

"He has class, stop whining."

Nobuyuki just continued to whine and the lady looked like she was ready to tell Akaashi off, but Konoha was briskly walking over to them. "Keiji," he said breathlessly, "Fuck- I am so sorry, Kej. Komi went into labor early this morning and I didn't wanna leave Nobu alone at the house and-"

"Aki, it's fine," Akaashi mumbled, hoping they could just hurry up and leave the waiting room. Even more people were giving them wary looks now. "Can we see Komi now?"

"Oh! Yeah." As the three walked down the hallway, Akaashi holding Nobuyuki, Konoha gushed over the twins. "They're so cute, Akaashi! And they're so tiny too!"

The door to their room was open and a nurse was doing a check up on the two newborns. Komi was laying in the bed, eyes heavy like he was on the verge of sleep. When Akaashi walked through the door, Komi sat further up, grinning.

"Komi-oji!" Nobuyuki shouted and he forced his way out of Akaashi's arms.

"Hey, Nobu. How are you? Sorry our sleep over ended early."

"That's okay! I got to color with Kuroo."

Komi blinked in surprise before looking up at Akaashi. Konoha had the same look on his face and Akaashi rolled his eyes. He was not having this conversation right now, so instead, he glanced over at the two twins. "So, what'd you name them?"

The attention was immediately brought away from him and Konoha happily answered. "So, we have Hana, and Haru."

"Konoha insisted on Haru," Komi informed, accepting Hana into his arms when the nurse handed her to him. Konoha picked up Haru before walking over to Akaashi.

"do you wanna hold him?"

Akaashi tensed and shook his head, "I-I'm okay." Konoha frowned and Akaashi didn't missed the flicker of hurt in his eyes. Even with a child of his own, Akaashi still sucked at handling babies. The thought of accidentally dropping the baby was coursing through him as he stared at the sleeping child.

"Oh, alright. You can hold him later then."

Akaashi nodded mutely and watched as Konoha sat on the edge of the bed. The twins really were small, and cute too. Nobuyuki was far more interested in them than Akaashi was and he kept begging Komi to let him hold one of them. "Maybe in a bit, Nobu," Komi reassured while bouncing the now crying baby.

Akaashi winced at the shrilling sound of the cries, his stomach twisting at the sound he definitely didn't miss. He sat in one of the spare chairs, his knees pulled to his chest as he watched Konoha and Komi coo over their children. Nobuyuki watched with astonishment when Komi was able to stop Hana's crying.

"Wow! How did you know she was hungry? Mama, was I ever that small?!"


Akaashi's never seen Komi and Konoha look so happy. Even though they've been up since five in the morning, they seemed so lively and full of joy. Akaashi's lips pulled into a sad smile and he wondered... why wasn't he ever that happy? When he had Nobu, he remembered crying, he remembered how he wouldn't even look at him.

"Kej?" Konoha called out, stealing Akaashi from the memory, "you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm happy for you guys." Akaashi smiled when both Komi and Konoha gave him bright smiles. He really was happy for his best friends, he remembered how happy Konoha had been when he told Akaashi he was going to be a father. He remembered watching as the two eagerly set up a nursery for their children. For nine months, the two impatiently waited for this day. How could Akaashi not be happy for them?

Konoaha's face suddenly grew serious and he pointed an accusing finger at the younger male, "but don't think this gives you a freebie. I still need to hear about this date and if Kuroo is going to be around more often, then I need to sit down with him."

Akaashi scrunched up his face, "you sound like my mom, it's gross."

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not kidding Keiji. I will kill him if he hurts you."

This time Komi was the one to speak up, "well- maybe you shouldn't kill him. I'm not about to take care of two fucking children by myself, asshole."

"Hey, I can always cover up the murder, don't worry."

"Can you two stop?"

Despite feeling slightly annoyed (and embarrassed), Akaashi still chuckled. He will never truly understood how his two friends could worry so much about him. At times it could be overwhelming, but he still cared a lot for them. He still appreciated everything they've ever done for him, he just wished there was a way he could repay other than money.

"Hey, we just care about you, Kej. I will never stop," Konoha argued, hugging the baby in his arms closer. Nobuyuki pouted at him, holding out his arms for Konoha to put the child in them. Much to the five year olds dismay, no baby was put in his arms.

"Can-" Akaashi started quietly and he sat up more straight, his needs folding so he was sitting crisscross, "can I hold one of them?"

Konoha and Komi looked at each other, eyebrows raising briefly before Konoha stood up. He was grinning widely as he set Haru in Akaashi's arms. "How come mama gets to hold him?" Nobuyuki whined and Komi laughed.

"I'll let you hold Hana when we get home, okay?"



Akaashi's fingers trembled and his breath was caught in his throat. He's never held a newborn baby before. With Nobu, it took him a couple months before he held him, and they had to practically force him. "Hi," Akaashi whispered, watching as Haru blinked up at him. Of course, the baby didn't answer back.

He pondered if Nobuyuki would have been this light when he was a newborn, if he was this warm. Guilt suddenly weighed down on Akaashi's shoulders and he motioned for Konoha to take Haru away from him. What right did he have to hold Konoha's child when Akaashi didn't even hold his own. The moment Haru was out of his arms, Nobuyuki crawled into his lap. Akaashi smiled at him, pinching his nose and wiggling it.

Nobuyuki giggled before wrapping his arms around Akaashi's neck. He buried his face against Akaashi's neck, "I love you, mama."

Maybe it didn't matter anymore, maybe Akaashi was overthinking things. Because he loved Nobu, and Akaashi still remembers the day he held him for the first time. He remembered how big Nobu had smiled as he stared up at Akaashi. That day, Nobu became his world.

"I love you too."

I'm  e x h a u s t e d.

- Bumble

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