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"Ha! I win again!"

Kuroo's shoulders slumped and he watched as Nobuyuki hopped around, dancing in his victory. This was their seventh game of checkers, and at first he was losing on purpose. Now this was just embarrassing.


The boy giggled, plopping back down on the floor with a wide grin. He watched as Kuroo reset the checkers board, still giggling with excitement. "Kuroo, you're not very good at this, are you?" Kuroo laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Apparently not, or maybe my opponent is just too smart." Nobuyuki jutted his thumb at his own chest, which was puffed out.

"That would be me!"

The two began another game, and Kuroo already knew he was losing again. Nobuyuki hummed quietly to himself as he moved his pieces, a little tune Kuroo's heard him singing before.

Since Kuroo has started dating Akaashi, he's gotten to learn quite a bit more about the two. Like how Akaashi isn't much of a morning person, or how he dislikes sweet things, but loves rice. How Akaashi loves wearing big sweaters and how he wears glasses when he reads (Kuroo finds that Akaashi is absolutely adorable while wearing his slightly too big glasses). He's also learned a lot about Nobuyuki; he's learned that the boy loves music, and how he is a morning person. He caught onto the way Nobuyuki tried staying up late to wait for Akaashi to come home and how he likes to ramble about all the knew things he learns.

He's even picked up on the habits that were shared between the two boys. Nobuyuki almost never sat in his own chair, always preferring to sit on Akaashi's lap, even when they ate. And just like how Akaashi always held tightly onto Nobu when they slept. And they would argue sometimes, which Kuroo found a little funny. He was quick to learn that Akaashi was short-tempered, and that at times, Nobu could often get on those nerves rather quickly. The bickering usually never turned into something greater and it was rarely anything serious.

The only worrisome part of it was the way Akaashi would avoid Nobu's eyes. For the most part, Akaahsi had no problem making eye contact with Nobu. But on rare occasions, Kuroo would catch Akaashi avoiding the boy's hazel-green eyes, fleetingly looking into them before turning with a grimace. Kuroo shrugged it off, though, because maybe he was seeing things. And even then, if he wasn't seeing things, it was still evident to how much Akaashi cared and loved the five year old. That was something anyone could see.

"Kuroo, do you like my mama?"

Kuroo hummed, his train of thought breaking as he glanced away from his checker prices and at Nobu. "Hm? Of course."

"Like... you like him like Konoha-Oji and Komi-Oji like each other?"

Kuroo huffed out a laugh, his cheeks flushing. "Yeah. Like Konoha-oji and Komi-oji."

Nobuyuki hummed thoughtfully, tapping his chin before moving his piece. He cheered when he jumped one of Kuroo's, which pulled a groan from the man. While Kuroo thought of his next move, Nobuyuki continued with his questions.

"So does that mean you're gonna marry him? Like in the movies?"

Kuroo grinned, moving a piece. Nobuyuki was staring at him expectantly, eyes wide with curiosity. Kuroo shrugged, his cheeks only flushing more, "maybe one day..."

Nobuyuki (BoKuroAka)Where stories live. Discover now