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Kuroo watched as Bokuto lingered in the doorway, fidgeting with nerves. He sighed, standing up from the desk chair before moving over to his bed. He sat down on it and patted the spot next to him. That seemed to put Bokuto at some ease and the older hastily moved to sit next to Kuroo.

Even then, the two sat in a moment of silence. Kuroo hated how tense things felt between the two of them, though, he figured part of that was his own fault. He's the one who completely shut them out.

When the silence was becoming too much, Kuroo glanced over to look at Bokuto. He found that the volleyball played was already looking at him, a look of uncertainty on his face as his mouth opened and closed. Kuroo cleared his throat, "so what did you-"

He was cut off when two arms was suddenly wrapping around him, practically squeezing the life out of him. Kuroo startled, eyes widening before he scowled. He tried shoving at Bokuto to get him off, "w-what the fuck are you doing, Bo," he snapped, but his voice wavered as tears began to form in his eyes.

Bokuto only hugged him tighter, hooking his chin over Kuroo's shoulder. "I love you too, you know," he said shakily, eyes squeezed shut. Kuroo froze at that, his complaints dying on his tongue. He swallowed around the forming lump in his throat, the tears growing heavier form where they were barely hanging on.

"A-and I'm not telling you this to cause anymore trouble," Bokuto continued, "I'm telling you this because I want you to know that you are worth it. I was the coward who didn't deserve you... and I feel fucking horrible for what I did to you. Back in high school and now. I was jealous of what you and Akaashi had, because I wanted to be a part of that too. But I was so scared to tell you and- and I let it get out of hand. I should have never kissed him... please don't be mad at Akaashi. And please forgive me."

Kuroo blinked, and the tears fell down his cheeks. Hesitantly, he lifted his hands to hug Bokuto back. His lip quivered as he buried his face against Bokuto's shoulder, releasing a shuddering breath.

"I'm sorry... for how I reacted," Kuroo murmured, his chest clenching with regret. Bokuto scoffed, though it sounded more fond than anything.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, Tetsu... I would've probably reacted like that too." Kuroo relaxed in Bokuto's arms and his eyes lipped shut. It was then that he really processed Bokuto's words.

Bokuto loved him back...

Kuroo felt his heart flutter and after a moment longer, he pulled away from Bokuto's embrace. He huffed out a soft breath as he ran a hand through his hair. "Do you mean it?" He asked, wincing at how much he sounded like some desperate high schooler. It wasn't everyday your high school crush was confessing their love....

Huh, maybe now Kuroo could understand how Bokuto felt with Akaashi. Bokuto grinned sheepishly, laughing a little, "y-yeah, I do."

"And... you also love Keiji."


Kuroo felt his lips twitch, his chest tighten before he was suddenly bursting into laughter. He probably looked a little insane, crying and laughing at the same time. Bokuto stared at him with wide eyes, filled with a bit of worry.


"S-sorry," he laughed out, wiping at his eyes. "Fuck, we're all a mess, aren't we?" Bokuto huffed out his own laugh, nodding in agreement. After a moment, the two calmed down and the smile slowly fell off of Kuroo's face. "I really should talk to Keiji."

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