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Akaashi woke with a jolt, his head jerking up from where it was buried in his pillow. He laid there for a moment, mind foggy with sleepiness before he slowly pushed himself up. The omega groaned as he rubbed at his face, wishing the dull ache in his head would leave. He was in his bed, though he didn't remember getting into it last night.

The last thing he remembered was-

Akaashi blinked, his body tensing when last nights events caught up to him. Kuroo had came to the nightclub last night, he took Akaashi home. Akaashi barely remembered the car ride back, he figured he must've fallen asleep sometime during it.

Akaashi shakily got out of bed, his limbs felt weak and his heart was heavy in his chest. The door was already opened and Akaashi could hear Nobuyuki talking a mouthful. Shuffling his way through the door, Akaashi hesitantly walked into the living room. Nobu and Kuroo were both sitting on the couch, a bowl of cereal in both their hands as they talked to one another. Nobuyuki looked elated, his eyes sparkling as he ate his cereal and spoke at the same time. Kuroo simply listened with a fond smile.

From the corner of his eye, Nobuyuki spotted Akaashi. He gasped as he thrust the almost empty bowl into Kuroo's hands, the bit of milk left sloshing around inside of it. "Mama!" He cheered as he scrambled off the couch. Nobu hugged Akaashi's leg, his grin going even wider, "I woke up and Kuroo was on the couch!" Akaashi offered him a weak smile, ruffling his hair. It was taking everything in him not to look at the alpha sitting on his couch, to drop to his knees and beg for Kuroo to forgive him.

There was a knock on the door and Akaashi felt both relieved and anxious. It delayed the moment he finally had to face Kuroo, but he had a good feeling on who was on the other side of that door. He sighed shakily, reluctantly moving to open the door. His landlord stood on the other side, face passive. Just from the expression on Akaashi's face, she already knew his answer. She sighed, lips tugging into a frown. "I already gave you an extra week, Akaashi," she berated, "even after I told you no more late payments."

Akaashi couldn't say anything, he was worried that if he did, he would break into tears. He inhaled shakily, "please just give me a few more days," he said after a moment of composing himself enough to keep it together. The landlord's lips pressed into a thin line, the wrinkle between her brows deepening. She looked conflicted, but in the end, she sighed again with a heavy shake of her head.

"I'll give you two weeks to find another place, but you have to be out after that."

Akaashi's hands shook as he took the envelope that she held out for him. It was an eviction notice and it crumbled between his fingers. His landlord didn't stay long after that, walking away with her hands tucked in the pocket of her hoodie. Akaashi didn't move away from the doorway, his feet glued in place as he stared down at the envelope. It felt heavy in his hands and Akaashi so badly wanted to tear it to shreds.

"Keiji," the omega's eyes flicked to the side and he found that Kuroo was standing next to him. There was a worried frown etched onto his lips as he stared at Akaashi. He looked like he wanted to say something, but Akaashi wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it quite yet. He remembered the man mentioning that they needed to talk last night and he didn't know if that's what Kuroo was still here for. Most likely.

"I'm gonna call Aki," Akaashi muttered before disappearing back into the bedroom. Kuroo stood in place as he stared at the closed door. Nobu tugged on the hem of his shirt, stealing his attention.

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