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Living in a shared house was more often than not, very chaotic. Especially when all four of the residents of said house were home. Bokuto never minded it though, he rather enjoyed it.

Right now, he was attempting to make cookies with Hinata, but it was going wrong in every possible way.

"No- oh shit.... that was salt."

Hinata blinked, looking down at the bowl, where he just dumped a bunch of salt along with the mix. His eyebrows furrowed, "really? Are you sure?"

Bokuto narrowed his eyes, staring at the bowl, "I think so." Now, Bokuto was pretty good at baking, but it made it a bit harder when Atsumu poured everything into containers without labels. Just because he was good at baking didn't mean he was good at telling the difference between salt and sugar.

"Why don't you just taste it," Atsumu offered with a smirk. He'd been watching the two to cure his boredom, and they were doing a wonderful job. Bokuto grinned at the faux blonde.

"This is why we love you Tsum-Tsum." Bokuto took a spoon and scooped out a bit of the salt before sticking it in his mouth. There was a pause of silence before Bokuto was gagging, running to the sink and turning in the faucet. Both Hinata and Atsumu broke into laughter, Atsumu falling off of his stool in the process. "Ah- fuck," Bokuto choked, spitting the water out of his mouth.

Hinata was the first to compose himself, his cheeks red from how hard he'd been laughing. "It's okay," he said breathlessly, "we can just scoop it out! You'll barely be able to taste it."

"You can't just scoop it out, babe."

"Of course we can! We'll just put in extra sugar to mask the salty taste."

Atsumu only laughed harder, crawling back onto the stool before banging his forehead against the counter. Bokuto, on the other hand, thought it was a great idea. He cupped Hinata's cheeks and squished them, "you're a tiny genius and I love you." Hinata grinned, his eyes squishing shut from the cheek squishing and how big the smile was.

Sakusa stood in the doorway, Fire extinguisher ready in his hands. Unlike Atsumu, he did not find this amusing. In fact, he was thoroughly annoyed. The two had barely gotten started and there was already a mess in their once pristine kitchen. Sakusa took pride in his cleaning and he did not appreciate when two dumbasses came in and destroyed it.

"Hey, didn't you say Kuroo was coming over?" Hinata asked as he carelessly scooped out the salt. Bokuto nodded, cracking an egg into a separate bowl.

"Yeah, I don't know when though."

"He can be our taste tester!"

Atsumu snickered, "if we're lucky those cookies will kill him." Bokuto glared at Atsumu, pointing a stern finger at him.

"I would never kill my best friend."

"Even though he stole your-" Bokuto quickly chucked an egg at Atsumu, grinning proudly when it smacked him right on the forehead. "Ah what the fuck, Bo!"

Bokuto stood straight, closing his eyes as he brushed his hands off. "Excuse you, but I'm happy for Kuroo."

Atsumu sighed, grabbing a rag to wipe the egg off of his face with a grimace, "pathetic."

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