Introduction A/N

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Welcome, everyone! I'm Jenny and you're watching the Disney channel-  Okay I'll stop.

Welcome, everyone! I'm Jenny and you're watching the Disney channel-  Okay I'll stop

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Here's a key for those of you who have never read xreader one-shots:

Y/n- Your name

L/n- Your last name

N/n- Your nickname

f/c- Your Favorite colour

There's some stories in which your last name is selected by me, sorry about that. Your Hogwarts house is also selected by me, also sorry about that. 

The reader is female in all one-shots unless requested otherwise. Sorry about that as well, it's just that I go by she/her pronouns so it's easier for me to write a female Y/n. But if you request a male/ non-binary Y/n, I can do that.

Requests are accepted. No smut, sorry, I'm not very comfortable with writing or reading those. I also have the choice to not do a request if I don't wanna bc it's ultimately up to me and if an idea doesn't vibe w me I can't rlly do anything.

My grammar and writing aren't that good so feel free to correct any typos that you may find. 

Won't keep you any longer. Go on to the next chapter and start reading!


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