Air hates me

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We've all choked on something before in our lives right? (If not, I applaud you dear sir/madam)

Some of us choke on water (or any drinkable substance);

Some of us choke on food;

But my 'good friend' Life just doesn't cooperate and decides, "You know what, Cal? Have some good ol' oxygen to choke on!"

So I'll be standing around, chatting with my friends then all of a sudden I just have a coughing fit out of nowhere. Then we'd probably laugh our heads off and just keep talking about it for another twenty minutes or so;

But here's the thing: I have the ability to choke on air...

When I'm not even breathing.

Who does that?

Imagine yourself in this situation; you're in your little group of friends, probably laughing at a really stupid but true joke someone made, then, all of a fudging sudden, the once life saving air has become a strangling substance and you find yourself nearly dying because of it... -.-|

*le sigh*

Welp, that's it for this short...thing-a-ma-jig...and that's a wrap! See you in the next scene!

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