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*how's it going?
*did i ever mention about that one time a friend of mine thought the moon was indoors?
*well let's begin;


Picture this;
A class of nine students. Good start! Give yourself a pat on the back.

It's a 'lovely', 'bright' and 'sunny' Tuesday afternoon, and this class, with their glorious self-control, are planning their next productions... efficiently.

We're split into two groups, and the guy who mentions the moon is grouped with me and three others. So we're sitting there, occasinally having a laugh, more often than not procrastinating from the work we were supposed to do, when, all of a sudden, and with several aftermath facepalms, this guy says:

"For a second, I thought the moon was in the studio,"

Now let me elaborate, the performing theatre we have has a flight of stairs leading up to the sound booth. The little room between the sound booth and the stairs has this round white light on the wall.

Need I say anymore?

You know the feeling when someone tells a good joke in class and everyone just breaks down laughing and crying?

Yeah, me neither.


I'm kinda too lazy to do my normal faze out (plus I have some homework) so.......


(picture has no relation to the story at all; just thought it deserved to be in a chapter)

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