Friendship! :D

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LukeHxAshtonI You know the story that's coming up... ;D

You know that friend I keep mentioning in the past few stories? Yeah it's that person mentioned RIGHT THERE. T.H.E.R.E.

*ahem* Anyway, we all have some sort of friendship in any sort of form; socialising over a cup of tea, screaming on a ride at an amusement park, buddy-buddy with everyone's friend the Internet, etc. etc.

And then there's the classic academy friendship that grows over time and has its ups and downs.

For example, when I first met Courtney (LukeHxAshtonI ), I had no idea that'd we'd be talking about this story over a year later;



(2013, March-ish)

(RMPS classroom B2-2, with the form class ((or home room or whatever)))

Guidance teacher: okay, just to have a little get-to-know-each-other activity, sort yourselves out in age order from oldest here (points at one end of the room) and youngest here (points at other end of the room).

Class: *silent*

Someone: okay... Uh....

Class: *gets on with activity*

Courtney: *to me* so how old are you?

<<If I were a normal person I would've just answered normally but no,>>

<what I felt like doing>

Me: *trips over own feet, bumps into chair, backflips over desks, crashes into wall, cowers in a corner, cries*

<what I thought happened>

Me: *throws up hands* I'm 12! Don't kill me!

<what really happened>

Me: *throws up hands* I'm 12!

And that started everything...

After the introductions and other antics within the form class, we basically just went, "Y'know what? Let's be best friends!" "Okay!"


Then a bunch of people came in and out of our duo and made a trio or quartet and then back to duo etc. etc.



(Hey LukeHxAshtonI , that pic is definitely us when we find something funny)

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