Your own personal Callistos V.01 Unit: Manual

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Greetings, fellow Comets and Interstellar beings alike, and congratulations on purchasing the Callistos V.01 Unit from the Eye-m-board Agency. With this helpful idiot- I mean, companion - there are a huge number of possibilities to explore.

Here is a brief introduction to the Unit's modes:

Step 1: Tickle me. I dare you.

Step 2: Congratulations; you are now six feet under.


Step 1: Tickle me. Go on.

Step 2: "Oh, hello worms,"


Step 1: Tickle me. I'm right here bruv.

Step 2: You may now live in paranoia due to the past two modes.


Pro-tip: This mode is not compatible with your Callistos V.01 Unit.

Please contact administrators of the Eye-m-board Agency for full details of your purchase and any other informations you need to acquire.

Thank you for your business.


Step 1: Attempt to tickle me.

Warning tip: Your Callistos V.01 Unit may detect when you are approaching.

Step 2: "...Is that an asteroid heading my way?"


Notice: This mode is unavailable with the V.01 Unit. For compatibility and availability with all modes, moods, and personalities, purchase the all new Callistos V.24 today. Only half price until next leap year.



Hellohellohello my dear Comets! Apologies sincerely for not getting a chapter up in over a week - how dare I do that - and I blame my good friend Procra-Stination.

Yeah, they bother me a lot.

Anywhosies, next chapter of TPW is a WIP right now sooo....

callιѕтoѕ signing out!


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