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*squints loudly at date* hm.




What do you mean it's May?


Meh; back to business.


Remember the guy who thought that the moon was in the drama studio? (Plz refers to chap Da MOON fir memorys)

Yeah, that guy. Let's call him.....Zachary. Because Zachary is a nice name. Many names are nice. I'm not saying that your name isn't nice. Everyone's name is nice. Like, Zachary isn't the only name that shines above all others. Every name is nice, okay? I'm not, like, starting a rebellion against names. I think.

I'm going to stop digging myself into a bigger hole now.

So Zachary and a few others, including me and 'le best ami', were chilling near the side gate, where we were about to depart for some treacherous Games, which are actually ok, and X-Country, the literal action of throwing your soul down to the Underworld for eternal torture. So; side gate.

Let me just clarify that there were no teachers within the area and there was not enough authorative figures to keep the seemingly endless ocean of students from charging through the unnecessarily smallish side gate.

So. People are shoving, pushing, whatever verb you want to say, basically we were like lost souls drifting rapidly through the void in an endless torment of our own existential thoughts and damnable suffering of why we didn't do that homework that was due for last period.

Then, out of the light that shone through the barricade and sea of people,


Oh goody, someone finally taking care of things so us littluns don't get ran over.

Now, as a collective army marching backwards we...marched backwards. But suddenly, a bag appears from nowhere and Zachary, being the brave and very manly spirit that he is, sort of...


Proper, high-pitched, dear-god-is-that-a-spider-on-the-wall scream.

And, just like the moon in the drama studio, we're never going to let it fade into the unknown depths of forgetfulness and let it deteriorate into nothingness as it fades from all memory.

Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt. Aside from Zachary's honour. That's gonna leave a mark.



I'm too tired to proof read this so forgive me for any gramatical/spelling errors (and for the atrociously late update). And for the unnecessary deep thoughts of hurtling towards certain death on a spherical piece rock travelling at speeds way beyond what our fragile human minds could comprehend as day turns to night and time moves forward and we continue to travel towards that imminent end where you cannot cheat death but the battle between life and death is only a game and death can always cheat you and they always win because what is our significance in the universe other than to observe and hope for what may not exist or to prove that we either are or are not alone in this vast stretch of emptiness,

The Antics and Fudged Up Sugar Within My Non-existent LifeWhere stories live. Discover now