Title this story part

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<I can't think of a title>

<Picture has no relevance at all>



Did I mention about randomly bursting out with words? No? No? Okay...

Let's begin...

--LukeHxAshtonI --




Scene no. 1:

Picture two normal (ha no) people having a normal (ha no) conversation about what they had for breakfast that day. Suddenly, after having gone through the latest YouTube video updates and gossip, one of them suddenly goes, "Toast."

"W-what XD?"

"Toast ^^,"

"Why toast? XD"


Scene no. 2:

Cal (me): Conor, have you done the chemistry homework?

Conor: Cheese.

Me: ...chemistry homework?

Conor: There was chemistry homework?

Me: Cheese.

Conor: What?

Me: Now you know how I felt.

A/N and this is the result of having too much free time on your hands...

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