Awkward-us Eye-contact-us

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*points at title*

Those moments. Those. Fuh-reaking moments. It's like the universe was trying with all their might to tell you something, then just gave up right at the last second to allow you to indulge in the horrifying, merciless situation that was you realizing what a terrible mistake you had made and allowing you to slowly succumb into a mess of self-shattering, meaningless words and letting lifeless pieces of your own soul to drift slowly into its pre-destined void of not-existing.


Anyways, here's an example of a first-hand experience:


Firstly, picture a really awesome guy


Now scrap that picture because I was only testing to see if there were still people who noticed me.

Unless you had the right picture.


Huh, that's pretty accurate, actually.


So this aweshum guy-

Let's call him...




So I'm sitting in the front row in form with a someone y'all should know by now, and Malcolm is sitting in the back row in front of a wooden cupboard (this will have significance).

Me and the buddy are conversing professionally, exchanging valuable information of our next target in very professional coded ciphers, and we somehow get to the topic of discussing how a wonderful person Malcolm is.

So we turn back to check on out dear friend, a casual action: smooth rotation of the neck, a friendly glance back-

Holy macaroni he's looking straight at us.


-beep- *computer voice* all systems returned to default settings.

Quick, make some excuse to say if he asks why we were looking at him!

IDK! We were looking at the entrance to Narnia?

That's good enough!


Hence the mention of the wooden cupboard.


Yeah, it's pretty late/early/whateva; imma be goin ta slehp.



And have a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.

The Antics and Fudged Up Sugar Within My Non-existent LifeWhere stories live. Discover now