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Lord help me....

So uh....

Have I told the world about Cross Country in our school?

(Now, I know that somewhere out there, someone is going to be like "You think that's bad? We have to run over Mount Everest, the Himalayas, through the Amazon Rainforest, through the Sahara, and in the Scottish Highlands!" I'll just say that 95% of our school HATES X-Country so our 'short' course is considered hell')

So, from my terrible memory, our XC course is roughly...what...3-4km? Something like that...according to the statistics anyway.

But this year we barely got any. training. at. all. We practiced the course once, done part of it twice. And that was it. The other five weeks we were indoors seeing as the weather was freezing.


Teacher: we don't care about the weather. One year we had the students running in knee-high snow.


Yeah... Thanks teacher...

There was even one time I collapsed twice in the one time we practices the whole course (curse asthma CURSE IT)


Just wanted something to vent out with...


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