Friday afternoons (school terms)

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1) It's Friday
2) It's Friday afternoon
3) Weekend is just those couple of hours away

1) We have fudging GAMES

Now don't get me wrong; hockey is fun (sometimes), and tennis is just boss, but it's the fact that we have Cross Country running dead in the middle of winter (please refer to chapter 8 - #Memory+Writer'sBlock - for the full rant)...or we just aren't in the mood to all.

(dramatic voice) During those harsh times the students had to put up all their strength to survive...(except those three people who run for a living) They have to brave through the treachery that is the Hills, defeat the perilous Distance of the land of 3-4 Kilometres, keep the will to live, NOT CHOKE ON THE FUDGING AIR, and live to tell the tale...

But, alas, tis not the chapter for I to speak'th of those times; for thou must find thine path to the answers thou seeks...
Anyways, me and my good friend (*looks at you knowingly*) just sometimes wish for the bus to crash.

Yes, dear reader, we wish for the bus to crash.

Not so that everyone dies nonono; just crashes enough so that we're injured enough to not do Games.

And then we'd get onto something Doctor Who related then just sit in silence for a few minutes...then laugh for no good reason aside from the fact that we are sazures.

Don't judge, k, bruh?


So what about you, fellow Wattpader (this is now a word), has thou ever wanted something similar to that?

ꉓꍏ꒒꒒ꀤꌗ꓄ꂦꌗ signing out!


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