Initiate mission: find ____.

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Sometimes (every day) there are just those people you have to speak to but just can't find where-ever you look (JamieOgilvie I am looking at you very accusingly).

Some people you just want to hang out with, some to have a serious conversation with, etc. etc.

Reverse psychology just isn't cooperative.
"Let's go find ____!"

And then Reverse Psychology just goes, "Nope."
"Okay, uh, we totally don't need to find ____!"
"Not at all..."

R.P: "Do you think I'm stupid? I'm not letting you find ____."
And then when you are genuinly avoiding said person they show up literally every two seconds you turn your back?
"Okay, we have to avoid ____ because (reasons)."

-????? TIME-

We (moi and LukeHxAshtonI) have a walk that we go on practically every day (apart from the weekend; because who wants to go to school at the weekend?) and we have a set way of going around it; clockwise when it's normally just the two of us (or some pals decide to tag along but ditches us halfway) and we're not looking for anyone in particular, counter-clockwise + several detours/shortcuts/STAIRS when we are looking for someone (also not to mention anyone in particular but hey, JamieOgilvie, doesn't that seem to ring a bell?)

But really, people-we-are-trying-to-find, I swear that you have some sort of teleporter that gets you from point A to point B in seconds (I know that that is adequately the primary function of a futuristic teleporter; I is no stewpid beecuz I duz evin Inglish k, BRUH?...sorry...)

Really though, one minute you're over here the next time we see you is thirty seconds after on the other side of the campus (or maybe even the top floor of the highest building but that has never happened before).



KANPAI! (t̰̃h̰̃ã̰t̰̃'s̰̃ "c̰̃h̰̃ḛ̃ḛ̃r̰̃s̰̃!" ḭ̃ñ̰ j̰̃ã̰p̰̃ã̰ñ̰ḛ̃s̰̃ḛ̃ f̰̃õ̰r̰̃ t̰̃h̰̃õ̰s̰̃ḛ̃ w̰̃h̰̃õ̰ d̰̃õ̰ñ̰'t̰̃ k̰̃ñ̰õ̰w̰̃)...

(P.S. Daniel will be making several appearances in future chapters. Don't judge; it is not an obsession *carefully hides stolen classified information file on Daniel*)

Whoever had the idea of making a crossover between Pokémon and Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) is now second on my list of awesome people I know (first place is obviously LukeHxAshtonI because they are sazures)

(I can now die happy knowing that Levi is reincarnated into a Pichu)

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