Heart of the Dice

47 2 4

Genera: Fluff

Ship: None

Universe: Cocoverse

Grian, Mumbo, and Zedaph were all sitting at a table with paper in front of them that had a good bunch of scribbles and eraser markings on each on, along with a few dice nearby waiting for someone to sit in the last seat which was blocked by a divider of sorts. Grian was messing around with a miniature of some sort of bird person with wings that was holding a long bow, Mumbo was randomly rolling the dice on the table, and Zed was doddling on the paper. After a moment or two Joe walked into the room with a book and sat down behind the divider.

"Finally! How many notes did you even make for this session?", Grian said putting down the miniature.

"It's all for you guys to have a great experience with this campaign!", Joe replied with a smile.

"It would've been great regardless! I'm just curious what will happen today since it took you so long to gather up notes.", Zedaph exclaimed looking up from the paper.

"Well since we'll be starting now I'll put the dice back in the middle", Mumbo said placing down the few dice in the center of the table.

Joe flipped through the book and started speaking soon after.

"Last time in this adventure, you all were heading into the city Karal, which was on your path to the Jahate reaserch facility. It's almost dusk and the city is quite large. Where you enter through you see a handful of shops around but no inns and taverns just yet"

"Can I ask people to see if they can point us in the direction of an inn?", Mumbo says already reaching for the dice once more.

"Make a general charisma check", Joe replies.

The Redstoner rolls a dice with about 20 sides and it lands on a 15. Mumbo then looks at his paper after seeing it and does a bit of math.

"17", he says looking up from the paper.

Joe looks at Mumbo and starts talking again, "You ask around for a while and you are directed to the Cloverpath Tavern."

"Guess we are going to stay there for the night", Zedaph says already looking down at his paper.

"Zed you don't need to pay for the room again! I have plenty of gold for that.", Grian says also looking at Zedaph's paper.

"If you insist.", the purple eyed hermit replies.

Joe then starts to describe the setting of this inn, "The front of the tavern is fairly nice, it doesn't look very run down and as you walk in,it becomes clear that this is more of a local hangout spot."

Before Joe can finish Grian leans forwards and says, "Can I make a Perception check to scan the room for what kind of people are there?"

"Go for it", Joe replies.

Grian rolls the same 20 sided dice that Mumbo had rolled and it landed on a 10.

"Uhhh, a 13", Grian says a little disappointed.

"There is a table with what is very clearly a Triton and a Half-Orc but you can't really tell what gender they are since they are in the far back of the room. There are also a few Halflings near the entrance who are playing cards. Other than that no one really catches your atention", Joe says looking at the winged hermit.

Grian then goes to think for a while and Joe continues to say what he was saying before, "There is a human man behind the bar pouring Ale into a cup and handing to some of the customers. He looks to be in his mid 20s and has brown hair that's a little longer than most."

"I walk over to the man and say", Zedaph clears his throat and starts using a more American accent, "Are you the owner is this Tavern? If so can I get a room for me and my companions?"

Joe then starts doing his best Bilbo Baggins impression and replies, "Yes I am. My name is Jonas Cloverpath, pleasure to meet you"

Continuing in the same voice Zedaph goes,"My name is Bentley Gyro! Now how much would one room be?"

Before Joe could reply, Cleo barges into the room.

"Are you guys really playing Dungeons and Dragons again when everyone else is trying to fix something?", Cleo said.

"Can't we go one session without something going wrong?", Mumbo says with a sigh.

"Well maybe someone keeps rolling ones and that's why we can never finish!", Grian replies jokingly.

"It's fine. It wasn't to much of a big deal anyways, you can go back to playing your nerdy roleplay game", Cleo says before exiting to room.

Why did I think these guys would play D&D together? They just give me those vibes. Anyways till next time Adventurers!

                                     ~Chocolate Unicorn

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