Where the Sky Meets the Sea

102 3 14

Genera: Fluff

Ship: Scarian

Universe: Idk what to call it

THIS IS A ONESHOT!!! I do not intend to use this universe again so enjoy.


Grian was flying through the Aether trying to find something to do as he does every day when he found a strange portal. Grian thought that this would work as a portal to the Overworld and have another one at the other end of it. The portal unlike others was made out of Prismarine and had a soft ocean blue glow. 

When the Aetherian fell through he was on a small island with a tree and a wheat farm. The ocean was the only other thing he could see for miles. Grian having some blocks on him made the island he was on a bit bigger to have a tiny bit more room. There wasn't any sign of a portal to get back so Grian would be stuck there until he could find out how. With some of his remaining blocks, he made a house with a bed and things like a furnace and a chest. 

As he finished the house he saw something glowing in the water. Grian wanted to see what it was but that means he would have to get his wings wet. He went closer to the water but it was too far away to see what it was still. The glowing thing then started moving in the direction of the surface of the water. Grian backed away from the water still keeping a distance where he could see it. From under the water came out a guy who had green eyes as bright as emeralds. He also seemed to hava fish tail instead of legs. 

"Hello?", Grian said getting closer to the person.

"Oh hi! You must be confused about what this place is I'm guessing. This is the ocean realm, everything is mostly underwater but there are small islands like this one scattered around everywhere.", They said to him.

"Well do you know how to get out?", Grian asked.

"There is a portal that'll send people back to where they came from but it only lights once per month. But lucky for you it's in a week that it'll light up!", They replied.

"Well then I'll guess I'll wait, a week isn't that long. Anyways I'm Grian!", Grian told them.

"My name is Scar! Nice to meet you Grian! Would you like to see where I live?", Scar asked.

"And get my wings wet?! No thank you, these take too long to dry.", Grian replied.

"Well I do know something that could prevent your whole body getting wet.", Scar said pulling up onto the ground.

"If you do it then I'll go and see.", Grian said. 

Scar them gave him a smile and waved his hand which then put Grian inside a bubble. The merman then went into the water and Grian followed behind since it was fairly easy to control the bubble. Under the water was a vibrant world filled with tropical fish, dolphins, and coral. There was also a small mercat swimming around as well. 

"What's that?" Grian said looking at the sea cat.

"Oh, that's Jellie! She's my cat!", Scar replied. 

"She's yours? I have two cats back in the Aether. One is named Maui and the other is Pearl.", Grian said. 

"Seeing how you're from the Aether they must be winged cats. Those must be difficult to deal with.", Scar said.

"Well yeah, but they don't fly that much since they really don't know how to. A mercat must be harder though.", Grian replied.

"Well thinking about your situation yes it is. Anyways we're here!", Scar said looking at a large island. 

The island had a tunnel going through it and Grian's bubble was small enough to fit in it. On the other side of the tunnel was a heavily terraformed area with small houses scattered around along with an area that wasn't submerged. 

"This place is amazing...", Grian said in awe.

"I did this all myself. Anyways this way is where to portal is and where you'll be staying.", Scar said heading towards the surface.

"How did you even build up here?", Grian said getting back onto dry land.

"Well I know a spell that allows me to legs for some time but it doesn't last more than an hour usually. It was enough to get this built.", Scar replied looking at the above-water house. 

"Why did you even build it in the first place. Have other people come here?", Grian asked.

"Well, it was really because of the portal. I guessed it took people to another place and just in case it wasn't filled with water there should be something on land.", Scar replied.

"That's really smart. I'm going to go find a bed now.", Grian said with the bubble disappearing from around him. 

The Aetherian then went into the house and found a bed for the night. The next week was mostly Scar and Grian talking to each other, but they enjoyed most of their time together. Grian felt almost as if he wanted to stay, but he had all of his friends in the Aether, he couldn't just leave that all behind.  When the day finally came the portal back to the Aether had lit up and it was a beautiful aqua color. Scar had used the spell that allows him to walk so he could say goodbye to Grian better. 

Before Grian went through he gave Scar a hug and also handed him a bracelet made out of gold. The two smiled at each other and the Aetherin went through.


On the other side was the Aether and Grian's good friend Mumbo had found him.

"Grian where have you been for the past week?! I had to postpone going to that server I told you about!", Mumbo said running to his friend.

"I had found a portal and only recently was able to find a way back. Don't worry it wasn't the Nether.", Grian replied.

"Thank goodness! I'm goin to be headed to that sever tomorrow then. I'll make sure to write.", Mumbo replied. 

The next day Mumbo left and for a while, Grian just wandered around the Aether until he decided to start Evo. He got some other Aetherians to play the part of the 'Watchers' He got an invite to Hermitcraft about halfway through which was the server Mumbo had gone to so Grian left Evo to join Hermitcraft. 

When he got there not only did he see Mumbo but another very familiar face, Scar. 


:D Fluffy Scarian for today. See ya next time Adventurers!

                                                                                         ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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