
117 3 6

Genera: Angst

Ship: None (Unless you consider the Platonic Kerdubs)

Universe: An alternate one

Thank the random generator and the help of The New Kid for this prompt. This also gave me a second attempt for trying to do angst.


Keralis was going off the search for an ice spikes biome because he needed ice for a project.(part one of terrible excuses!) He was able to find one about 400 blocks away from Xb's base (Don't mind me not knowing the map!). Once he started to dig out some of the ice that was close to the water, he heard some muffled noises coming from under him. Keralis decided to see what it was so he moved to the side and dug where the noise was from. It turned out to be Bdubs who somehow got stuck under the ice with gear. He was freezing cold and had fainted soon after because of how frozen he was.(LET IT GOOOOOO!!!

Keralis had an extra coat on him just in case he lost his other one and put it onto Bdubs. He then pulled out his comunicator and typed,

<Keralis1> Can someone come over to <Insert Random Coordinates Here>? I need some help with something.

<Stressmonster101> Be right there luv!

<Keralis1> Thanks.

Keralis put away form his communicator and made a small plateform. He then put a torch down on it and carefully put Bdubs on it so he could warm up. (L O  G   I    C) After about 20 minutes or so Stress finally arrived. It didn't take long for her to see what Keralis needed help with. Lucky for them, Stress is the wholesome hermit she is and has a shulker filled with blankets and pillows. (Because yes) She took out some and put it over Bdubs who was still barely moving from how cold he was. Stress had some spare potions and one of them was a strength potion. She drank it and picked up Bdub with little effort.

"I think It's best we take him to one of our bases love.", Stress said with Bdubs on her shoulder.(Can someone draw this?)

"Mine is closer(Again I have no idea of the map!), lets go there!", Keralis replied.

"That sounds good.", Stress said launching a rocket.

The two went over to Keralis's base and found a bed to put Bdub on. Stress put him down and started looking for a healing potion. Keralis went to check in his own chest for anything that might help. He found a regeneration potion a little later but wasn't sure if it would do anything. He took it over to Stress and said, "Would this work?"

"A rengen potion! That'll do just fine love.", Stress replied.

Stress then took the potion and gave it to Bdubs. There were no immediate effects but after some time he started to move a little. After 15 minutes he had opened up his eyes. 

"Stress? Keralis? Where am I?", Bdubs asked trying to get up.

"You're at my base Bubbles. You have went unconcious after I got you over of the ice. I'm just glad you're okay.", Keralis told him. 

"Well the funny thing is that I don't know how I got there in the first place.", Bdubs said. 

"All that matters is that everyone is fine.", Stress said.

She then gave a smile and left. Bdubs stayed at Keralis's base a bit longer before leaving himself. 


Yay, another thing done! Bye!!!

                                                                               ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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