Hermitmon - Part 1 [Pokémon Crossover AU]

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Genera: General

Ship: I cannot say if there will be ships or not just yet.

Universe: The Pokémon Universe if HermitCraft were a region

A/N this whole thing is in second person so you can just insert yourself.


You wake up to the smell of your mom's pancakes. You get out of bed and head down to the kitchen for breakfast. Your mom's Polteageist (Which is a shiny. Yes I will taunt you will uncatchable shinnies) is setting the table while she continues to make the pancakes. Your mom looks at you with a sweet smile and says, "You're finally up love!"

"It was you pancakes that woke me up in the first place!", you reply with a giggle. 

"Just goes to show how much you like them.", your mom tells you.

You laugh a little more before you get some pancakes for yourself and start to eat them. Your mom sits down at the table as well along with her Polteageist and you all enjoy some delicious pancakes. 

Once you're finished eating the Polteageist picks up the dishes and puts them in the sink. You also help out when you hear the doorbell. 

"Are we having anyone over today mom?", you ask curiously.

"Oh, that's just Kyle, he was bringing something for me. I think it's best you go change love.", you mom replies. 

You head up to your room and change into something other than your pajamas. You go to the living room to spot your mom talking to a guy wearing a blue t-shirt. You think you've seen his face before but can't remember where. He seems to recognize you though, since when he saw you walked in he immediately said, "<Insert Your Name Here>! You're so tall now!"

"<Insert Your Pronouns Here> have grown quite a bit since you last saw them.", your mom tells the person who you assume to be Kyle. 

"It's been a long time since anyone has seen you Stella. Ever since <Insert Your Name Here> started school you moved farther than any of us could travel on a usual.", Kyle said.

"You can't blame me, this place is perfect to have a family. Just ask Issac, although he isn't here often, when he is it's well spent!", your mom replies. 

"Good point. Anyways here it is. You're going have to thank TFC later for this.", Kyle tells her holding out a box.

"What's in that?", you ask trying to make out what's inside.

"You'll see. I think it's best you open it with Oliver.", your mom says giving you the box.

You then rush out of the house to go find Oliver. He's been your best friend since elementary school so it must be something really cool in the box for you mom to suggest you open it with him. You find him at his house and his first reaction to the box is just like yours, wanting to know what's inside.

 You too go up to Oliver's room and carefully open to lid to find three pokéballs along with a note that reads,

"Hello there. I'm guessing the people reading this are <Insert Your Name Here> and Oliver. That is if Kyle brought this to the right place. If you didn't know already I'm the Pokémon Professor of our lovely region, Hermitcraftian. You two are now old enough to go on your own Pokémon adventure, so I have provided you with three Pokémon to pick from to help you start out. 

First we have Hochet(Fakeymon names I make are terrible), the Hot Chocolate Pokémon. It's a fire type and very sweet. 

Next we have Rammass(More terrible names), the Mountain Goat Pokémon. It's a grass type and very loyal to its trainer. 

Last we have Beafals, the Grizzly Bear Pokémon. (I don't care if Tediursa already exists) It's a water type and although it might be shy now, it's a force to be reckoned with.

These Pokémon will be with you throughout your whole journey so make sure you care for them as friends, not just as battle partners. Also if you happen to be in Futuris City, don't be afraid to come say hi to me at the lab.

                                                   -Professor TFC

"I can't believe we are getting to go on a Pokémon journey! We've been planning this for so long and now it's here!  I'll let you chose your Pokémon first though.", Oliver said look at the note.

You look at the three pokéballs and as you think about which would be the best choice. You end up picking <Insert Starter You Want Here>. Oliver, being the spoon he is, choses the one weak to yours. 

"Hey why not we have a battle?", you suggest.

"That's a good idea since we have Pokémon now. Alright, lets do this!", Oliver replies. 

You two battle for a bit but in the end you won. Since you two are close friends Oliver isn't even half mad that he lost. He's just happy that the both of you are actually becoming real Pokémon Trainers. The both of you decided to go back to your house to see if you can maybe find a place to get some pokéballs somewhere. 

Once there Kyle is still chatting away with your mom. They noticed you two and Kyle says, "I'm guess you two chose your first Pokémon already. I have something else you might need for your journey."

He hands you both five pokéballs and another thing that's apparently called a "Poké-Dex"

"The Poké-Dex allows you to view all the Pokémon that you have seen so far and even view information on Pokémon you've caught!", Kyle tells the both of you. 

"This thing is handy.", Oliver says.

"I hope it has a map feature so you don't get lost all the time.", you say teasing your friend.

"HEY!", Oliver exclaims. 

"You don't need to get all ruffled up now. I got you two maps so that no one gets lost.", your mom says.

Shas hands you both maps with yours having a cover in your favorite color. 

"Thank you Miss Stella!", Oliver says turning towards your mom. 

"It's nothing love.", your mom replies. 

You and Oliver then run out of the house making your way towards Route 1. You're excited to find out where this journey will take and what kinds of Pokémon you'll meet along the way.


YAY! POKEMON AU!!! I know that I already have another AU, but this needed to be made. Don't worry End's Curse will still happen, I just wanted to make this. I'm thinking of doing End's Curse on Sunday and tomorrow will be a request. Anyways see you later!

                                                                 ~Chocolate Unicorn :3 

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