Time Travel Is Messy...

206 4 2

Genera: Don't Know

Ship: None

Universe: Main one


It was a normal day on the HermitCraft server and someone had let Hels out of the area they have to restrict him to be in. They do this more for his safety then anyone else's because if Chocolate Unicorn sees Hels in her sight range chaos ensues. 

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Chocolate screamed as she ran through the Cowmercial District. 

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!", Hels exclaimed angrily. 

Chocolate Unicorn then used some of her magic to incase Hels in ice. Once Hels couldn't move Chocolate taunted him by bopping him on the nose. The girl then ran until she stumbled upon Wels who said, "Where's my brother?"

"Over in the ice.", Chocolate responded.

"That again, really?", Wels said looking at the girl. 

Wels then walked over to his frozen twin and just looked at Chocolate with a mildly disappointed face. 

"Do you mind taking him out of the ice?", Wels asked.

"I think you know the answer already...", Chocolate replied.

"I'll let you ride on Callum If you do.", Wels said trying to convince the girl.

"DEAL!", Chocolate exclaimed melting the ice. 

Once the ice was gone Hels had almost fallen over but was able to keep himself on his feet. He was still bitter about it but didn't have enough energy to do anything against the child.  

"You're lucky I'm a bit tired or you would've be dead by now.", Hels said still a bit cold. 

"I don't regret a thing.", Chocolate replied with a smile.

"Ok now lets just go and get this over with.", Wels said. 

He then whistled and Callum had come over to where they were. Chocolate Unicorn quickly hopped on the dragon's back with Wels going in the front. Hels walked off and the two started to go up into the air. Chocolate put her arms out to the side, lettings the wind blow past. 

It had already been a few minutes that they were fly and Chocolate Unicorn was singing at the top of her lungs and Wels didn't seem to mind, He does this a lot anyways so he's used to it by now. Today's song was "Kill the Lights" which apparently she knew entirely. 

"Stop there and peer inside of me, you'll find a man once lost at sea.  And all the while that I think to myself, IT'S NOT THE END, IT'S NOT THE END AT ALL!", Chocolate Unicorn went on singing the song. 

Right then Wels noticed something down in the forest below them. He was about go down when he told the other person on the dragon, "We're going down now. I want to check something out."

"Ok then.", Chocolate responded, stopping her singing. 

The two landed and the knight petted Callum on the head before going of the see what Wels had noticed. As the got closer they saw what seem to be one of their friends, but there were some differences to the person they thought it was. They seemed younger. 

"Ok there are two options to this, either someone turned them into someone my age while we were gone or they traveled in time.", Chocolate whispered.

"I think the first one is the most possible explanation to this.", Wels replied whispering as well.

"Who know, maybe it is time travel?", Chocolate said. 

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