Meet Up

95 6 2

Genera: Fluff

Ship: Maybe a hint of BadTimes x True

Universe: Cocoverse 

REEEEEE!!!!!! Alter-focused story although the only one who is technically an alter-ego is BadTimes! At least in the Cocoverse that is.


Because the hermits were all getting ready for Christmas, there was a lot of things that were being done and built so extra help would go a long way. One of the hermits who needed some help was False. Luckily True and had said she would help out on her next visit. 

"Thanks for coming to help. I have a pretty big base to cover.", False said looking at her sister.

"It's no problem! You know I love decorating.", True replied with a giggle. 

"It's still a big help. Anyways I need to go get some decorations from the Christmas area before we can start. Feel free to explore until then!", False said taking off.

True then smiled as her younger sister left. Before False would get back True decided to look around the Cowmercial District and see what it had. She went into Grian's Barge mostly because she liked the design of the build itself. It looked great and it was kinda like her friend's shop on her own server, sells everything and anything. As she was admiring the build she bumped into the very person who built it. 

"Oh hey there! You're False's sister True right?", Grian said with a smile. 

"Yeah! And you must be Grian, right?", True replied.

"That's me! So what are you doing in my Barge?", Grian asked.

"Well, this place is amazing! The style of the whole building is amazing! I need to try building in it one day.", True said mumbling the last part.

"Glad you like it! It took quite a while and it's nice to see that someone really appreciates it.", Grian replied.

"I'll be going now. Bye!", True said leaving the floating Victorian-style shop.

The winged builder waves goodbye as True continued to explore the shops she didn't have a chance to go to last time. 

As she continued going through shops True ran into a group of people who looked strangely like some of the hermits. They hadn't noticed her yet so she hid behind a building. True looked over at them and was able to hear what they were talking about. One of them seemed like the kind of person who would get mad easily. The other was more chill and seemed to be someone who would prank someone at any given moment. The last one seemed a lot sweeter and kinder. They were chatting about the holiday season and the chill one was trying to convince the angrier one that it's an amazing time of year. The kind one was mostly backing the chill one up. 

"Hey who's that over there?", the kind one said looking over at True's hiding spot. 

They had spotted her now so True just came out. She looked at them with a slight smile and tried not to look suspicious. 

"Hi...", True said looking at them.

"Uhh who are you?", the more chill one said. 

"Like I'm telling you! You guys are literal clones of the hermits!", True said in an annoyed tone.

"Well, you look a lot like one yourself. More specifically False.", the chill one replied.

"That's because I'm her older sister! I've come to help decorate her base then I'll be back off to my own server.", True said. 

"That explains alot. So do you mind telling us your name or not?", the chill one asked.

"If you tell me yours first. I don't know what you might be planning and I don't want to be blamed for anything!", True replied.

"I'm BadTimes! That's Xander, and the moody one if Hels.", the chill one said.

Xander gave True a small smile as Hels just avoided eye contact.

"Well then, I'm True.", the older Symmetry told them. 

"So you mentioned you were on another server. Does that mean you've seen the World Hub?", BadTimes asked.

"Yeah, so what? Haven't you seen it too?", True replied.

"It's pretty complicated I can't really understand it myself.", Xander told True.

"Yeah, it would take pretty long to explain and I rather not waste your time.", BadTimes said with a bit of a softer tone. 

"Well, I need to get going now. My sister is waiting for me. Bye!", True said waving goodbye as she heads back to Town Hall.

Once True left Xander looked at BadTimes with a cheeky smile. (Cinnamon rolls can be like this if they want) Hels seemed to know what he was thinking and gave a similar smile. BadTimes just looked at them weirdly. 

"You like her don't you?", Hels said.

"W-why would you think that?!", BadTimes replied a little surprised.

"It's clear by your face. Don't worry I won't say anything.", Xander said with a giggle. 

"Okay, maybe a little...", BadTimes replies a little flustered. 

"Let's just get going. All of these Christmas decorations are making my eyes hurt with how bright they are", Hels said walking off.


That's all for now! I'm going to enjoy the dynamic of this ship. Someone who is an actual player and isn't on the server half the time with someone who can't really leave. Till next time Adventurers!

                                                                            ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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