The Dress

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Genera: Fluff

Ship: Well technically Stresskall since this is part of the wedding multi-shot

Universe: Cocoverse


Stress was looking through different magazines while siting on her bed inside her base with False.

"This one would look really nice on you Stress!", False said pointing to a  fluffy white dress with a nice flower on it.

"I think I want something more colorful, the white is a wee bit too plain for me", Stress replied while flipping the page.

"What about that one? It's pink and it looks really nice", False exclaimed with her hand on a page.

"It's very flat, I want to see if I can find one of those puffy dresses. It's been my dream since I was a kid", Stress replied.

This sort of chatter continued on till they reached the end of their magazine pile.

"That was the last one... We didn't even find a good dress", False said with a sigh.

"Well that white one you had pointed out was really nice, maybe if we can't find anything I'll just go with that one.", Stress replied cleaning up the magazines.

Then a voice yelled from the bottom of Stress's base.

"HELLLOOOOO!!!!", the familiar voice of a young girl called.

"Who is it?", Stress asked.

"IT'S CHOCO!!", they replied.

"Chocolate! Come on up, me and False were just looking for dresses.", Stress said joyfully.

The young witch soon appeared up in the bedroom with some drawings in her hand.

"I know how you were saying that you wanted a really good dress for your wedding and because I think magazines are boring, I drew my own!", Chocolate exclaimed.

"Well then let's see it!", Stress replied.

Choco put the drawings down and one of a ruffled dress with some pink glitter on it, another was a dress with a flora pattern on it (or the best version flora pattern she can do), and the last was something that looked from out of a fairy tale. It was big with the ruffles coming out to the sides and there was a nice rose on the corset, there was even a sliver tiara with a pink gem draw along side it. That was the one.

Stress put her hand on the drawing and looked at it, almost as if she was charmed by it.

"This one, it's perfect!", Stress say looking up at Chocolate.

"Oh I didn't think you would like it that much. Well now I'll have to convince Cleo to make this thing... and find that tiara", Chocolate replied, mumbling the last bit.

"Wait Cleo can sew?", False asked.

"Yep, I wouldn't have brought these here if I didn't have a way to get them. Well better get going now if I'm to have any chance of getting this dress made.", Chocolate said already leaving.

Stress and False look at each other shocked from knowing that Cleo could sew.


Part two of the wedding stuff done! Next time we'll be checking in with the groom to be himself! See you next time Adventurer!

                                                 Chocolate Unicorn :3

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