Possible AU

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Soooooooo, I saw something (a piece of fan-art that I forgot who made it since it was like two weeks a ago) and had an idea for a fun AU. I think it was of a dragon Xisuma or something like that. If I find the link to it, I'll put it here. 

Ok ok ok ok, onto the basics of the AU it's self! 

The premise of this AU is that one hermit gets the Ender Dragon angry by some way, shape, or form and as expected you do not make something as powerful as the Ender Dragon mad without killing it. It's like taunting a cat in a bad mood without running, you don't. ED(Ender Dragon) got mad enough at the hermit (that is yet to be selected) that she(I respect ED's pronouns) cast some sort of curse on them. This causes the hermit to become part dragon and stuff happens depending on the hermit because everyone has a different reaction to thing. 

That's my idea all I need now if to decided which hermit to use. I'm open for suggestions.

                                                                               ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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