Monster Magic - Part 2 [AU]

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I can't get enough of this AU for some reason. This week just started with AUs since tomorrow I plan on doing the next part of End's curse. Expect Magic Mishaps to update tomorrow since I just did a writing session for an original story with my dad so I need a bit a break by doing a smaller project. Enough of my rambling and lets just get into it.


The group headed into the forest towards the direction of the sound. as they got closer it started to get darker so Mumbo handed everyone a flashlight. They all turned on in near synchronization. At some point along with just the noise they heard what sounded to be a person. They headed closer to see a teen about 3 years older then Grian(Who happens to the the oldest)getting attacked by flying creatures. They didn't get a close look at them since when Grian shined the light in the direction the things flew away. 

"What were those things?", Zedaph said in shock.

"I have no idea...", Grian replied.

Then the boy got up and picked his hat up from the floor and put it on. He had green eyes and wore mostly brown clothing. 

"Thanks for getting rid of those thing for me. What are you are doing out here?", the boy asked. 

"We heard a strange noise which we assume were coming from those creature and decided to investigate.", Xb told him.

"Well now you know now you better leave.", the boy said.

"Well not without you of course, if we're not allowed to be here then you aren't obviously. Those things were attacking you, were they not?", Zed said with a cheeky smile. 

"I can't leave, not without my friend at least.", the boy replied.

"Why not?", Grian asked.

"I made a promise to him that I wouldn't leave without him. I'm not going to break that now, not even if it means my life.", the boy replied.

"Sorry to interrupt but we never got your name. I'm Mumbo.", Mumbo said joining in.

"Oh, my name is Scar! What are your names?", the boy said.

"I'm Xb, that's Grian, and that over there is Zedaph.", Xb said gesturing to the others while Zed make shadow puppets.

"I have an idea! Since we are already here, why not we help you find your friend!", Grian suggested. (Grian stop thinking this is a normal forest, it's not)

"That would be nice for a bit of help. You guys did get rid of the vexes.", Scar said.

"Vexes, is that what those things were called? If that's so who's right about the forest NOW.", Xb said glancing at Grian. 

Grian only exchanged a frown and said, "Let's just get moving already..."

Everyone continued into the forest with Scar in the lead as the night went on. Things aren't as simple as locating a lost boy in a large area though, for more is yet to come... 


Every season is spooky season for me! Also PLEASE no Christmas songs until my birthday, I already go crazy enough when people already have decorations before December. Spare my soul. 

                                                                                       ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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