Race To The Finish

159 6 3

Genera: Fluff

Ship: None

Universe: Main One (I need a name for my universe, any ideas?)


Grian was flying over the Cowmercial District when he saw Wels and False below him. It seems the two were having a little argument about something. The winged hermit landed near the two to see if he could try and maybe resolve it. 

"Oh come on! I bet you that I could fly faster with my elytra then you on Callum!", False said.

"Say that when your elytra breaks.", Wels replied.

"Can you two stop fighting?", Grian said inserting himself into he conversation. 

"If that's what you want then which one is better for flying, Dragons or elytras?", False asked.

"If that's what your fighting about then let me put something else on table, wings.", Grian replied with a chaotic grin on his face

"There is no way you would be able to out fly (¬‿¬) a dragon, especially Callum since he's one of the fastest I've ever seen.", Wels told the short hermit.

"I bet I could, both of you on a matter of fact", False said.

Right then Xander was walking by and heard what the three were fight about.

"Why not you settle it with a race?", Xander said walking up to the group.

"A race sounds like a good idea, then we'll see which really is the fastest.", Grian said in response. 

"When should it be? I'll need some time to prepare.", the knight asked.

"What about tomorrow that way we'll all be able to get ourselves ready", False suggested. 

"See you guys then!", Wels said as he ran off. 

~~~~~~~[Time skip brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends]~~~~~~~~~

The next day the path for the race had been set up and everyone was there to watch. Ren had dressed up like a referee and was holding a crossbow with a firework. Wels had arrived first out of the people who would be participating. False arrived not long after. Grian didn't take that much time to get there but was still the last one there since he had a run in or two with some creepers. 

Once everyone was ready Ren got in front of the three hermits and fired the firework upwards. False had launched her first firework soon after Ren had given the call. Grian had quickly opened his wings and lifted off as well. Wels gave Callum a little pat as a signal to take off which he did quickly and both the dragon and their owner were soon in the air. Grian had taken first place almost immediately but False was close behind. 

The first obstacle of the course was straight ahead, a forest of bamboo. Grian was able to get himself flying up quick enough that he could just fly over it all. False would have a much harder time doing that so she had to take a different approach she was on the look out for spots where it would be easier to fit through to make this race just a bit easier on her part. Wels had a bigger problem though, Callum doesn't have an easy time with things like 90 degree turn so he would never be able to get above the bamboo in time which since Callum is so big Wels would have to do some really fancy maneuvering to get through it. It was a risk he was going to have to take if he were to have any chance of winning. 

After a bit of struggle the three hermits made it past the first part. Grian still was holding a good lead and Wels was able to catch up and be at about the same spot as False. 

"You guys miss me?", Wels said to the others. 

"Not at all.", False replied.

The next part was up ahead and apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to have ghasts in the course. (It was probably Tango) This was a bit easier for Wels this time around since it wouldn't affect Callum since he's fire proof but would have to just try and keep himself out of the way. Grian had found a reliable pattern to fly in so he could avoid the ghasts as best as possible. False on the the other hand didn't have anything to her advantage here. It's really tricky to fly AND avoid ghast with an elytra, to only person who has been able to do it so far is Xander. False had to take risk and fly as fast as she could through the ghasts, hopefully not getting hit on the way. The first half was mostly successful while the second one she got hit but was able to regain balance. It just wasn't in her favor since that gave Grian and opportunity to pass her since for most of the section False was in the lead. 

Other than False everyone got out untouched. Wels had taken the lead with False ended up in last.  Grian was right in the middle of the two, no farther or closer to either of them.

"So this is how Wels felt.", False whispered to herself.

The final part was possible thanks to Xisuma using his admin powers to make the weather only affect a certain area. It was a thunderstorm over the ocean. False got out her trident which she had gotten just for this. It had the Riptide enchantment on it just on case it started to during the race. She had taken second place from Grian who was having heck of a hard time. Grian always reframed from flying in the rain since when he was younger was hit with a bolt of lighting right when he was flying. (Don't worry everything turn out fine in the end, Grian is not hurt) Because of that he never really knew how to fly with his wings all wet which made this really hard. Wels wasn't having any problems since when he's flying with Chocolate they always get caught in the rain so this was a piece of cake for him. All he had to do was avoid the lightning which was the easier part.

Luckily the only one who even was even close to getting hit was False in which lightning was right behind her at some point. Other than that no one died. 

"Why did there have to be lightning?", Grian asked. 

"Why do you not like it?", False replied.

"Yeah...", Grian said.

It was the final stretch of the race, False and Wels were tied for first but Grian was close behind. Wels had ended up being able to win with Grian took second place at the last moment from False. 

"That was a good race.", Grian told the other two hermits.

"Yeah you both of you did really good.", False said with a smile.

"But you couldn't out fly either me or Grian.", Wels replied.

"Does it really matter? I'm just glad I hade fun.", Grian told Wels. 

"I agree, what does it matter?", False said. 

"Who wants to go get something to eat? I'm starving.", Wels said to the two and the group walked off.


Whew! 1163 words! This was nice to write and it just goes to show the dragons are superior! (UwU) Who did you think would win? 

                                                                                   ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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