Monster Magic - Part 4 (AU)

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I'M BACK WITH THE AUS FOLKS! Let's start off with my shortest one so they can try and catch up with each other and not lag behind.


The group was having a bit of an easier time navigating the forest with Stress. According to what she had told them she and her family were long time residents of it. Since it was fairly bright out they didn't need their flashlights. 

"Are you sure we don't have to be careful at this time of day?", Xb asked.

"Yes love. It's perfectly safe during the day except for the occasional wolf but that's expected from a forest.", Stress replied.

"No matter what I always have my sword!", Iskall said, holding up what looks like a poorly made stone sword.

"Did you make that yourself?", Zedaph asked.

"I did. It's not the best but it gets the job done.", Iskall replied. 

"It looks much better than my paper mache one, that's for sure.", Zedaph told the Swede.

"Hey I'm just curious, how did you and Stress meet?", Mumbo asked. 

"Well, it was a few years ago. I was exploring the forest with a friend when these weird ghost things started chasing us. We eventually got split up and lost track of each other. At some point, they gave up chasing me which is when I found Stress's house.", Iskall replied.

"Why do you stay in the forest then?", Grian asked.

"Well, something tells me that maybe, just maybe my friend is still alive. If that's the case then I'll wait till that day.", Iskall replied. 

"Well, we're already searching for one person. Trying to look for another with a group our size should be no problem!", Grian said to him with a smile.

Iskall smiled back at the boy in the red sweater and they continued walking. After a while, they came across a small lake with a worn-down campsite next to it. It looked abandoned, about three months at a minimum. Zedaph started to look around the campsite for anything that might hint at who used to live here. The others also started to rummage around as well. 

"Why do you think whoever was here before left?", Grian asked looking at the site.

"I don't know, maybe it was because of the things that chased me?", Iskall replied.

They continued looking around and chatting about why they thought the owners of the campsite left. That was until Zedaph found a picture. It was very faint but it had three figures in it. One looked like himself while the others were of his friends who had disappeared a few years ago. Now they at least knew who owned it, and about roughly when it was abandoned. 

"Uh guys, do you mind if we just go?", Zed asked with the photo in hand.

"Well if something is bothering you about this place then sure love.",  Stress replied.

"I think we should go to. It's not safe staying in one area for too long.", Scar told the group.

"Then we better get going.", Xb said.

They all then left the camp-site with the only thing leaving it was the photo. A small detour on the path that'll lead them to get out of the forest. Too bad there are some who are in the way of that goal.


Ahhh, my favorite AU. I get to be mysterious and not too clear about what I say. But no matter what, an adventure awaits for all of us. See you later Adventurers!

                                                                                     ~Chocolate Unicorn :3 

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