Full-Moon [Part 1/2]

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Genera: First half is fluff, while the second is very much angst.

Ship: Well it's not about a ship but one appears

Who Requested?: Me wanting to write something


Iskall was getting some things together for a camping trip that him and Stress had planed. Stress had ended up inviting Chocolate to come along so Iskall asked Ren to come just so it wasn't the majority of girls. He thought about inviting Grian or Mumbo at first but then remembered the Arcitech hike from Season 6 and how much of failures they were out in the forest, Iskall was acting as some sort of babysitter towards them for how many times he had to stop one of them from doing something stupid. Iskall was not int he mood fro a repeat of that so Ren was the best option. He was ready to go and grabbed his sword just in case of any mobs started attacking them. 

The group had meet up a while later at the camp site, a bit before sunset and lit up the surrounding area to prevent mobs from spawning. After that the set up camp, Iskall and Ren put up the tents while Chocolate Unicorn and Stress were setting up a telescope and other thing like that. Iskall sat down at the camp fire next to his girlfriend as they looked up in the night sky while Chocolate was nearby with a water bucket in hand. She then threw the water bucket onto the 2 love birds. Ren just chuckled as he saw this happen fro the sidelines.

"HEY GET BACK HERE!!", Iskall exclaimed as the girl made a run for it.

"We'll get her back don't worry, love.", Stress told him with a suspicious look on her face.

"Then we need a plan if we are to dot at but first let's dry off." Iskall replied.

The two then went to dry off and Chocolate had reappeared by the time they were done. They went back to stargazing near the camp fire when the group heard a low growl come from the distance. 

"Did we miss a spot?", Ren said looking towards the direction the noise came from. 

"I don't think we did, well at least I didn't", Chocolate Unicorn replied.

"Well then it must of come from farther then the radius we covered." Iskall said drawing his sword.

The creature came in range where they could tell what it was. A large wolf, bigger than a normal one would be. Most likely magic was used to make it that enormous

The beast lunged towards Chocolate, but the girl countered with a magic shield sending it back the way it came. Iskall then took the chance of it standing back up again to attack and went straight for it's chest. The creature dodged and cornered the Swede on a tree. It was about attack when Ren leaped in front of it and ended up getting bit and went unconscious. Iskall drew it's attention away from his fainted friend's body so Stress could help out with this. Chocolate Unicorn created a shield around Ren and Stress and then used some on the near by vines to keep the beast in place. With it not being able to move Iskall struck it right in it's heart killing it.

"REN!", Iskall yelled as he rushed over to where the unconscious man was. 

"We should probably take him back to your base Stress and reschedule camping together for another time.", the young witch said. 

"That's a good idea." Stress said applying a bandage to Ren's wound. 

"I'll carry him there for you.", The worried Swede said.

"Thank you love.", Stress replied.

They packed all the stuff up and Iskall carried his friend all the way to Stress's base.


Then next morning Ren woke up feeling strange. He looked around him and saw Iskall was sitting a a chair nearby with a worried expression on his face. When the Swede saw that his friend was awake he immediately got up and went to hug his friend.

"Dude! I was so worried about you!", Iskall said tightly hugging Ren. (Ok so maybe there is platonic Renskall in this)

"I'm fine now so no need to.", Ren replied.

Then Chocolate and Stress walking into the room and saw the two hugging.

"Ren I'm so glad you're okay!", Chocolate Unicorn said.

"Never do that again love, we were worried sick!", Stress told the man in sunglasses.

"I'll try not to.", Ren replied.


Look out for the part two of this cause this story hasn't gotten to it's end yet...

                                                                                    ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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