Taggity waggity

54 4 14

I have been tagged...


1) Q: Who tagged you?

A: SharkBait_13_23


2) Q: What is you fandom?

A: Main one is HermitCraft


3) Q: OTP?

A: Convex 


4) Q: Fluffy ship?

A: Stresskal is how I use my fluffy tendencies. 


5) Q: Ships you think are over rated.

A: Grumbo.


6) Q: Person you ship with everyone

A: Uhhhhhhhh, probably Wels.


7) Q: Ships you want to make the most toxic relationship out of.

A: I don't thin I'd ever really do that unless this were to get angsty but it would be Bdoc.


8) Q: Ships you love for no reason.

A: Lemme see the list I wrote. 


Rendoc (even though I don't write it usually I always enjoy some good Rendoc)



Wow that was shorter than expected


9) Q: Favorite Poly ship?

A: Z.I.T. 


10) Q: Other poly ships?

A: After writing it I very much enjoy Grivex (Convex + Grian)


Tag 5 people






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