Random Headcannons

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An assortment of Headcannons that have to do with the hermits interacting with one another.

As stated in 'Heart of the Dice' Joe, Zedaph, Mumbo, and Grian all play a D&D campaign together with Joe as DM (Dungeon Master). I have an idea of how this started. Get ready for a mini-story...

Before Season 6 came around Joe and Zedaph would do D&D one-shots every few weeks or so with another hermit also being part of it. That would usually be either Mumbo or Cleo, with the occasional Tango. When Grian joined in Season 6, it started to become less Far'fetched (sorry, hardcore pokemon fan here) to do a proper campaign since Grian was just as much of a player as them. After a little convincing Mumbo decided to join as well. Thus starting the campaign they are currently playing. If anyone wants to I'll happily list all the characters they have gone through. [Side note Mumbo has definitely had to swap characters at some point]

Okay back with actual Headcannons.

Whenever Xisuma over works himself and doesn't sleep Bdubs and Stress have to force him into bed somehow.

Cleo is older than TFC for her being dead but has the maturity age of an adult, which is why no one questions her relationship with Joe. [Also because they are too scared too]

Just think I need to point this ou [Sorry False x Cleo shippers], in the Cocoverse False is aromantic along with asexual.

On the topic of sexuality, Ren is pansexual, and Iskall is Bi. (There was a time where I did romantically ship Renskall so this is a reminder of that, that time is now gone)

Every Saturday is Karaoke night for the hermits. Pre-season 7 it was hosted at Xisuma's base since ehe was the only one to ever be able to get a karaoke machine to work. During Season 6 though it's at Town Hall, where all Season 7 stuff happens.

Each hermit still has a YouTube channel but the content isn't stuff that happens on Hermitcraft since Minecraft is now where they live. Mumbo still makes some of the weird videos he posts on his channel, he also still has his second channel for movies and such. Grian is actually an architect in this world so his channel is mostly for fun. (Since the whole Minecraft is the real world thing) Tango is a game designer and actually made a few. Zedaph posts tutorials for all his weird contraptions and such. You get the point, it's altered to make it seem more resonable in this world.

MCC participates are chosen from people who are some of the most skilled in what they do, if they have friends that are about at their skill level then they also have a chance of being on MCC.

That's all for now.

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